Ismaili Centres Archive
The Global Pluralism Award ceremony was streamed to a worldwide audience on 23 February 2022, highlighting the organisations and individuals who demonstrate pluralism in action everyday.
This February, Dar-at-Talim year started in a more overwhelming way than ever before. One could observe the mixed feelings of excitement, joy, and confusion among students, parents, and teachers.
Depois de dois torneios de eSports de sucesso, estamos de volta com a 3ª rodada. Registe-se para o lsmaili eBasketball Cup hoje! Visite para se inscrever e obter mais informações. A data limite para inscrições é 28 de março de 2022.
After two successful eSports tournaments, we are back with round 3. Register for The Ismaili eBasketball Cup today! Visit to register and for more information. Last date to register is 28th March 2022.
In a unique celebration of knowledge and learning, the Aga Khan University (AKU) will host a Global Convocation ceremony on Saturday 26 February 2022. The special virtual ceremony will bring together AKU’s graduating classes in Kenya, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, and the UK, and will include an address by Princess Zahra on behalf of the Chancellor.
Join us for the Global Pluralism Award Ceremony on Wednesday, 23 February, where prizes will be presented to this year’s recipients. The ceremony will begin at 12 PM (EST) and will be streamed live on The Ismaili TV.
Nelson Mandela once said, 'If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.' A language is much more than just a way of communication. Language, and particularly our mother tongue, is an important part of our culture.
The Ismaili eSports segment, which is a Global Encounters Programme and under the umbrella of the Jubilee Games, will comprise a multitude of activities that build on each other and culminate in a competitive tournament. The tournament serves as a means to an end and not an end in itself. The third eSport selected for this segment is “The Ismaili eBasketball Cup”.
The Global Encounters Internship Programme, inaugurated in 2019, assists post-secondary students and young professionals on their trajectories towards a life characterised by competent leadership, pluralistic understanding, and humanity-driven action. The Internship Programme is open to university students and recent graduates. This is an opportunity for individuals to develop professional skills, build their resume with hands-on experiences at excellent institutions, gain exposure to development, deepen their understanding in various fields and develop personally.
A Fundação Aga Khan, em Madagáscar, encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de "Chief Executive Officer”. Envie a sua candidatura até 22 de fevereiro de 2022.
Respondendo a um apelo do Aga Khan Health Board (AKHB), no sentido de apoiar as novas famílias que têm vindo a ser acolhidas pelo National Council, o Grupo Lusíadas Saúde, através das suas equipas de Sustentabilidade e da Lusíadas Dental, recebeu 21 crianças para consultas de estomatologia.
Se já esteve a explorar o regulamento do “Sparks of Talent”, sabe que lhe pedimos para classificar o seu vídeo numa ou mais categorias. Mas porquê? E como é que funciona esta parte do processo? Venha daí, que contamos-lhe todos os detalhes.
If you've explored the Sparks of Talent rules, you know that we ask you to submit your video under one or more categories. But why? And how does this part of the process work? Come on, we'll tell you all the details.
Num mês em que se celebra simbolicamente o amor e a amizade, somos igualmente confrontados com os seus opostos. Exemplo destes, são os potenciais conflitos bélicos entre países, as guerras informáticas incompreensíveis e o crescente aumento de isolamento e solidão dos nossos seniores.
Conheça e participe nas atividades semanais dos seniores: presenciais e online. Contacte já os membros do Elderly Care!
Get to know and take part in seniors’ weekly activities: in person and online. Contact the Elderly Care members now!
Escolas 2030 promovem “Human Centered Design” no Pendão-Queluz-Monte Abraão.
O Programa Comércio Digital está a promover workshops temáticos para empresas do setor do comércio e serviços que pretendem colocar os seus negócios online.
Este apoio é dirigido a todas as entidades empregadoras com sede em território nacional, independentemente da sua forma jurídica.
Sabemos que, tal como a entrada, a saída da faculdade é um grande marco na vida de qualquer jovem. De modo a que possas embarcar neste período tão entusiasmante da tua vida, com todo o devido conhecimento, apresentamos-te várias opções possíveis para abrires portas do teu futuro!