Ismaili Centres Archive
Many of us wonder how we might better care for our planet. The good news is there are many ways to do this, some of which have the added benefit of saving money along the way! Here are five tips to get started.
International Women's Day, a global day to celebrate the growth and achievements of women in politics, in the economy, in cultural development, and standing out in society. The day also calls to action for escalating gender equality
The Imams of the Shia Ismaili Muslims are direct descendants of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).
O Programa de Férias da Páscoa da Happy Code Lumiar irá decorrer na semana de 11 a 14 de Abril, em formato presencial e Live Online para todos os jovens e crianças com idades entre os 6 e os 17 anos.
Today, more girls attend school than ever before. Yet, despite this progress, women and girls continue to face barriers to education. Jamati and AKDN institutions have long strived to remove these barriers and still believe that investing in girls’ education can transform communities and societies around the world.
Conheça e participe nas atividades semanais dos seniores: presenciais e online. Contacte já os membros do Elderly Care!
Discover and participate in Elderly Care's weekly activities: face-to-face and online. Contact Elderly Care members now!
O Dia Internacional da Mulher está quase a chegar! As duas propostas, que lhe trazemos esta semana, refletem sobre as alegrias e aflições da mulher utilizando como foco central a vida de Frida Kahlo. Contamos-lhe tudo o que tem de saber. Venha daí!
International Women's Day is almost here! The two proposals we bring you this week reflect on the joys and afflictions of women using Frida Kahlo's life as a central focus. We’ll tell you everything you need to know!
Now that the UK has left the EU, UK residents living and working temporarily in Spain need to ensure they avoid double taxation and complete their self-assessment returns correctly. Barrister Leon Fernando Del Canto explains.
One year since leaving the EU, two-thirds of manufacturing companies have reported that Brexit has moderately or significantly hampered their business, however optimism for growth has risen.
Owners of second homes who report them as holiday lets will now have to prove it in order to not pay council tax and access business rates relief.
Don’t let scammers enjoy a pension saver’s retirement. Find out how pension scams work, the warning signs and the steps you can take to help pension savers avoid being scammed.
The Chancellor has set out a £9.1bn plan to support individuals with soaring energy costs including a discount on council tax and a loan to cover some of the price rise.