Content Tagged with CIVIC
O Ismaili CIVIC Portugal orgulha-se em partilhar com o Jamat que, juntamente com Instituto Português de Sangue e Transplantação (IPST), irá promover uma campanha de dádiva de sangue no próximo dia 2 de março no Centro Ismaili, Lisboa.
Have you ever thought that giving blood could help save more than one life? Donating blood is a voluntary, safe and simple act, that has no negative repercussions on the health of the person making the donation, and can be done in less than an hour.
A decisão de doar sangue é segura, voluntária, não remunerada e necessária. A constituição do sangue é de tal modo complexa, que ainda não foi possível desenvolver um substituto industrial.
Já pensou que ao dar sangue pode ajudar a salvar mais que uma vida? A dádiva de sangue é um ato voluntário, seguro e simples, que não tem repercussões negativas na saúde da pessoa que faz a dádiva, e pode ser realizada em menos de uma hora.
ANZ Jamat through the Ismaili CIVIC Christmas Donation drive made Christmas a little more special for families in need reflecting the community’s ethic of civic engagement and good citizenship, exemplifying Islam’s core values of service, peace, compassion, and care for the vulnerable.
More than 100,000 members of the Jamat in 30 countries, along with their families, united to serve neighbouring communities and protect the environment on the third annual Global Ismaili CIVIC Day, celebrated in September. This worldwide event was a culmination of a year-long effort, which included the most activities on a single day since Ismaili CIVIC began in 2020.
Ismaili CIVIC is teaming up with the Banco Alimentar Against Hunger to help collect food! Are you available between 25th and 26th May? Then sign up now!
Ismaili CIVIC is a global programme under which the Shia Ismaili Muslim community across the world unites around its centuries-old tradition of serving humanity by rendering voluntary service to improve the quality of life of the communities in which they live, exemplifying Islam’s core values of service, peace, and compassion.
On 24 September 2023, the beaches of Dafundo and Cruz Quebrada were the scene of a remarkable and inspiring action: Global Ismaili CIVIC Day.
No dia 24 de setembro de 2023, as praias de Dafundo e Cruz Quebrada foram o cenário de uma ação notável e inspiradora: o Global Ismaili CIVIC Day.
For more than a century, a key aspect of the Ismaili community’s identity has been informed by a deep commitment to a culture of care. This concept isn't just encouraged; it's celebrated throughout our global Jamat. Nowhere is this notion of care more evident than in our tradition of serving others.
The beauty of nature is a gift we can all appreciate. The golden sandy beaches, the gentle sound of the waves, the smell of the sea - these are natural treasures that constantly remind us of the importance of preserving our environment. It is precisely this awareness that Global Ismaili CIVIC Day (GICD) 2023 aims to promote.
A beleza da natureza é uma dádiva que todos podemos apreciar. As praias de areia dourada, o som suave das ondas, o cheiro do mar - esses são tesouros naturais que nos lembram constantemente da importância de preservar o nosso ambiente. É exatamente essa consciencialização que o Global Ismaili CIVIC Day (GICD) 2023 pretende promover.
This weekend in cities across the globe, a unique collaborative event is set to unfold. More than 58,000 people will come together to mark the third annual Global Ismaili CIVIC Day, in a display of kindness, generosity, and good citizenship.
Come and make a difference on 29 September, from 9:45am to 1pm, at a beach clean-up in partnership with the League for the Protection of Nature (LPN) and Oeiras City Council.
From 1 to 6 August 2023, the World Youth Day (WYD) 2023 will take place in Lisbon. Under the scope of Ismaili CIVIC, our volunteers have been participating in several voluntary actions.
De 1 a 6 de agosto de 2023, terá lugar em Lisboa, a Jornada Mundial da Juventude (JMJ) 2023. Sob a alçada do Ismaili CIVIC, os nossos voluntários têm participado em várias ações de voluntariado.
Fique a par das limitações previstas na circulação rodoviária em Lisboa de 1 a 6 de agosto, devido às atividades da Jornada Mundial da Juventude a terem lugar na capital Portuguesa.
A Jornada Mundial da Juventude (JMJ) está a aproximar-se e o nosso país precisa de ti! Junta-te a nós e vem distribuir os kits de peregrino e voluntário! Contamos contigo?