Content Tagged with CIVIC

No passado dia 7 de julho, o Ismaili CIVIC juntou-se ao Comitê da Jornada Mundial da Juventude na preparação dos kits para os peregrinos que vão visitar o nosso país no próximo mês.

According to the United Nations (UN), climate change poses a threat to virtually every aspect of life on Earth, from human health and livelihoods to ecosystems and infrastructure. The fact that there has been a substantial increase in severe heatwaves, droughts and wildfires over the past few years is a testament to the urgency of the climate crisis we are amidst. International forums have started to stress on the desperate need for global action to address the impact of climate change and promote sustainable practices. Mawlana Hazar Imam has also been a vocal advocate for environmental sustainability, stating, “The consequences of climate change, if unchecked, will be catastrophic for all humanity and for the natural world we rely on.”

During the month of Ramadhan, Ismaili Civic with generous donations from the Jamat collected over 40 school packs filled with stationary, books, toys, and lunch boxes. The school packs were gifted to orphans from the recent Afghan crisis, in collaboration with Mahboba’s Promise. Mahboba is the recipient of the Australian and NSW Human Rights Award for rescuing Afghan orphans from the recent crisis. The children were invited to the community Eid Celebration Picnic in Winston Hills and gifted the school packs.

As part of their pledge to be climate champions, the Aga Khan Scouts and Guides in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, planted a micro-forest at Upanga Jamatkhana last month in collaboration with Ismaili CIVIC and the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF).

No passado dia 24 de dezembro, o Ismaili CIVIC voltou a juntar-se à Associação Noor’Fátima, desta vez para proporcionar uma ceia de Natal a cerca de 100 pessoas. Um momento especial, em que foram partilhados sorrisos, abraços e uma palavra amiga a quem mais precisa.


The Ismaili Civic Sydney program seeks to foster awareness and individual action in reducing our environmental impact and achieving climate goals.

Blood Donation Drive Tete - 18.09.2022  (2)

Here you can find a selection of photos from all the blood donation drives that took place on GICD 2022 across 9 cities in Mozambique. 

Let’s reflect on the great work carried out by ANZ Ismaili Civic during the Covid-19 lockdown.

يومَ الخدمة المجتمعيّة الإسماعيليّ العالميّ فرصةٌ مميزة لإظهار مدى التزام الجماعات بالخدمة والمواطنة الصالحة، في وقتٍ تواجه فيه كثيرٌ من المجتمعات صعوباتٍ وريبةً غير مسبوقة. يلفت يومُ الخدمة المجتمعيّة الإسماعيلي ّالعالميّ الانتباه نحو قيمنا، كمسلمين شيعة إسماعيليين، وأخلاقنا ووحدتنا كمجتمع عالميّ.

Hundreds of Ismaili CIVIC volunteers, in collaboration with the Aga Khan Boy Scouts, are providing relief to the flood-affected areas in Pakistan.

As rehabilitation efforts continue in Pakistan, Ismaili CIVIC volunteers continue to support affected individuals and the communities in which they reside – demonstrating a commitment to Islam’s core values of service, peace, compassion and care for the vulnerable.

The tradition of service and volunteering in the Ismaili community is one rooted in a 1400-year history. The giving of one’s time, effort, and resources for the development of both the community and wider society is a core value of the faith, and its many expressions have been an essential part of the community’s history, well-being, and identity.

Considerando que a nossa presença na Terra é de curta duração, cada um de nós tem a responsabilidade de deixar a natureza em condições melhores do que as que encontrou, em prol das gerações futuras. No próximo dia 25 de setembro, junte-se a nós para mais um Global Ismaili CIVIC Day e, em conjunto, fazermos deste mundo um lugar melhor.


Ismaili CIVIC volunteers in the Far East partnered with local organisations to plant trees in Singapore.

On 25 September, the worldwide Ismaili community will unite in a concerted effort to improve the quality of life in our neighbourhoods and societies through Environmental Stewardship.

No próximo dia 25 de setembro, junte-se a nós para a comemoração do Global Ismaili CIVIC Day em Portugal!

Learn about our early settlers and tour the historic house built in the late 1700s. Participate in Environmental activities, talks, and demonstrations...

  • Recycling effectively
  • Growing your own food
  • Living sustainably, saving water & energy
  • Protecting our environment, flora/fauna
  • Bushwalking & Bushcare

O Ismaili CIVIC Portugal orgulha-se em partilhar com o Jamat que, juntamente com Instituto Português de Sangue e Transplantação (IPST), irá promover uma campanha de dádiva de sangue no próximo dia 10 de setembro no Centro Ismaili, Lisboa.


No dia 25 de Setembro de 2022, a comunidade Ismaili global irá comemorar o Global Ismaili CIVIC Day. Em Portugal celebraremos este dia em duas ocasiões: 10 de Setembro e 25 de Setembro.


Blood Drive Maputo 05th June 2022 (5)

On the 5th June 2022, Ismaili CIVIC organized a blood donation drive in 8 cities across Mozambique.

O Ismaili CIVIC é uma iniciativa global sob o qual a comunidade muçulmana Shia Ismaili se uniu em torno da sua tradição secular de servir a humanidade, prestando serviço voluntário para melhorar a qualidade de vida das comunidades em que vivem.