Ismaili Centres Archive
Get to know and take part in seniors’ weekly activities: in person and online. Contact the Elderly Care members now!
Realizou-se, em novembro, o Fórum de Apresentação do Plano Municipal para o Envelhecimento Ativo, Saudável e Inclusivo (PMEASI).
No passado dia 9 de dezembro, o Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) realizou uma Feira de Emprego, em parceria com a Kelly Services e com dois grupos hoteleiros: VIP Hotels e SANA Hotels.
Com o aproximar das férias do Natal, é normal que as suas crianças passem mais tempo em casa, e consequentemente, nos seus dispositivos eletrónicos. Neste artigo apresentamos algumas sugestões de apps educativas, a fim de ajudarem as suas crianças a tirar o máximo proveito do tempo que despendem online.
Do you ever feel like you want to vent your feelings without having to speak with another person? If so, journaling may be for you.
¡Ya Ali Madad!
Salgirah Mubarak! El feliz 85º aniversario de Mawlana Hazar Imam nos brinda una oportunidad de reflexionar sobre el vínculo que cada uno tenemos con nuestro amado Presente Imam entre nosotros y de inspirarnos en su ejemplo.
Ya ali Madad!
Salgirah Mubarak! The auspicious occasion of the 85th Anniversary of our beloved Mawlana Hazar Imam, offers an opportunity for us to reflect on the extraordinary bond that each one of us has with our beloved Hazar Imam and to draw inspiration from his example
Mubaraki to the Jamat on receipt of a letter from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, dated 13 December 2021.
On the occasion of his 85th birthday, Mawlana Hazar Imam spent time with members of his family. Hazar Imam’s brother, Prince Amyn, and his four children — Princess Zahra, Prince Rahim, Prince Hussain, and Prince Aly Muhammad — were all with him to mark this happy milestone. In the images below, Hazar Imam is also seen holding one of the 19th century porcelain vases presented to him on behalf of the global Jamat on the occasion of his birthday.
Establecido por Mawlana Hazar Imam para el Jamat en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo, el nuevo Centro Ismailí representará el diálogo entre la fe y lo mundano, Oriente y Occidente, lo tradicional y lo contemporáneo y entre la humanidad y la naturaleza.
Established by Mawlana Hazar Imam for the Jamat in the USA and around the world, the new Ismaili Center will represent dialogue between faith and world, East and West, traditional and contemporary, and between humanity and nature.
El 2021 ha sido un año histórico para el Jamat de España. El pasado octubre empezamos las clases de ta’lim!
2021 has been a historic year for the Jamat of Spain. Last October we started Ta’lim classes!
La inflación ha crecido en todos los países de la zona euro en octubre de 2021, según los últimos datos estimados de Eurostat. En España el dato provisional se sitúa en un 5,5% respecto al año anterior, un punto y medio por encima del IPC (Índice de Precios al Consumo) registrado en septiembre. Este porcentaje supone el nivel más alto desde septiembre de 1992 en España.
Inflation has risen in all euro area countries since October 2021, according to Eurostat's latest estimates. In Spain, the provisional figure stands at 5.5% over the previous year, one and a half points above the CPI (Consumer Price Index) recorded in September. This is the highest level since September 1992 in Spain.
Educarse en cómo regular y sentir las emociones de forma productiva suele ser el primer paso para una rutina diaria sana y consciente. Si tienes dificultades para conectar con tus emociones, te sientes abrumado por ellas o no comprendes lo que sientes, no estás solo.
Educating yourself on how to regulate and feel your emotions in a productive way is often the first step to a healthy and mindful daily routine. If you have difficulty getting in touch with your emotions, feel overwhelmed by them, or don't understand what emotions can feel like, you are not alone.
"Donde los emprendedores encuentran la inspiración" es el lema que define la serie de podcasts de diversos profesionales, desarrollada por la Universidad de Stanford