Ismaili Centres Archive
Nascida no Afeganistão, Arezu (na foto, à direita) tinha seis anos de idade quando deixou a sua terra natal, em 2015, e embarcou com a sua família para a Turquia. Viveu com a família num acampamento e, apenas três meses depois, já falava fluentemente o turco, o que lhe permitiu matricular-se numa escola.
O Afeganistão testemunhou uma mudança política que afetou profundamente a situação económica e social do país. A Agência Aga Khan para o Habitat (AKAH) mantém a sua presença neste país, prestando apoio a comunidades mais vulneráveis, apoio esse que se revelou particularmente premente devido à subida em flecha da taxa de desemprego e em antecipação ao Inverno, sempre rigoroso nesta região do globo.
Durante a Cimeira sobre as Alterações Climáticas - COP26, a Agência Aga Khan para o Habitat (AKAH) integrou o Programa oficial para a chamada Zona Verde, onde, em parceria com a World Habitat, expôs a forma como está a colaborar com cerca de 800 comunidades no Norte do Paquistão, onde alia o saber das populações autóctones com tecnologia a fim de criar soluções eficazes que respondam ao agravamento da emergência climática na região.
Apoiar o trabalho da FOCUS é agora fácil! Sempre que fizer compras na Amazon, aceda ao AmazonSmile, selecione "Focus Humanitarian Assistance Europe” e a AmazonSmile Foundation doará 0,5% das compras elegíveis à FOCUS Europa. Para compradores frequentes da Amazon, esta é uma excelente forma de apoiar os nossos projetos!
Supporting FOCUS’ work is easy! Select "Focus Humanitarian Assistance Europe" in AmazonSmile each time you shop and The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to FOCUS Europe. For frequent Amazon users, this is a great way to support our projects!
When the world was still grappling to understand COVID-19 and the new normal in 2020, Dr. Faiza Khoja embarked on an exciting journey taking the reins as the Dean of the College of Business Administration at Texas A&M University-Central Texas. With more than two decades of professional experience in higher education and extensive expertise in organizational management and leadership, Faiza came in well-positioned to take the College to new heights.
This year, despite ongoing disruption from the Covid-19 pandemic, medical advances and behaviour shifts began to stem the tide of severe cases and lift spirits. This precious glint of optimism is worth holding to, as we mark the passing of one year to the next.
This year, despite ongoing disruption from the Covid-19 pandemic, medical advances and behaviour shifts began to stem the tide of severe cases and lift spirits. This precious glint of optimism is worth holding to, as we mark the passing of one year to the next.
A Fundação FOCUS Assistência Humanitária encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de "Caseworker” do projeto “Portugal Settlement Programme (PSP)”. Envie a sua candidatura até 31 de dezembro de 2021.
Conheça e participe nas atividades semanais dos seniores: presenciais e online. Contacte já os membros do Elderly Care!
Get to know and take part in seniors’ weekly activities: in person and online. Contact the Elderly Care members now!
In which time zone will The Ismaili TV ring in 2022? All of them, of course! The Ismaili is pleased to announce special programming to celebrate the start of a new year as One Jamat. In a unique celebration lasting 24 hours, we will ring in 2022 in 22 different time zones to mark this occasion with the global Jamat.
With optimism and hope for the new year, The Ismaili would like to suggest ten tips for a healthy, productive, and balanced 2022. Let’s strive to accomplish them all together. Happy New Year!
O Príncipe Rahim encontrou-se com Sua Excelência Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Presidente da República, a 25 de dezembro de 2021, no Palácio de Belém.
Prince Rahim met with His Excellency Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal, on 25 December 2021 at the Presidential Palace.
On 13th December 2021, Ismaili’s around the world celebrated Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 85th birthday — an occasion to reflect on the unique spiritual bond that links each murid to the Imam-of-the-Time.
In partnership with ANA.AXILUANDA the Institutions in Angola contributed to the initiative “NATAL SOLIDÁRIO AXI 2021”
On the occasion of his 85th birthday, Mawlana Hazar Imam spent time with members of his family.
Kabul, Afghanistan, 7 December 2021 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to expand their long-term collaboration on supporting the Afghan people in building their resilience – providing amongst other things essential health services, food security and access to renewable energy.