Ismaili Centres Archive
O Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ (Irmandade da Pureza), os adeptos anónimos de uma fraternidade esotérica do século X sedeada em Basra e Bagdad, ocupam uma posição eminente na história da ciência e da filosofia no Islão devido à ampla receção e assimilação da sua enciclopédia monumental, a Rasāʾil Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ (Epístolas da Irmandade da Pureza).
The Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ (Brethren of Purity), the anonymous adepts of a tenth-century esoteric fraternity based in Basra and Baghdad, hold an eminent position in the history of science and philosophy in Islam due to the wide reception and assimilation of their monumental encyclopaedia, the Rasāʾil Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ (Epistles of the Brethren of Purity).
A maior exposição de fotojornalismo do mundo está de regresso a Portugal para mais uma edição de sucesso. Temos todos os detalhes para si!
The largest photojournalism exhibition in the world is back in Portugal for another successful edition. We have all the details for you!
É cada vez mais comum procurar-se novas formas de aprendizagem na terceira idade, sendo uma das mais atrativas, o conhecimento de uma nova língua.
Conheça e participe nas atividades semanais dos seniores, presenciais e online. Contacte os membros do Elderly Care!
A Fundação Aga Khan Portugal associa-se ao #SMAL2022, promovendo uma sessão temática dedicada à relevância das Literacias.
A Associação Casa-da-Índia, em parceria com a Embaixada da Índia e com as Juntas de Freguesias de Areeiro, Arroios e Penha de França, encontra-se a organizar mais uma edição do Festival Gandhi, a realizar-se no dia 24 de setembro de 2022, entre as 10h00 e as 22h00.
Meet Rahila, one of FOCUS’s key personnel, who herself received support from FOCUS in the 1990s when her family fled from Afghanistan to Pakistan. Now she is a Case Management Coordinator for FOCUS’s European Settlement Programme and works to help settle migrants who have recently arrived in Europe. She tells us of her journey and how she has gone full circle with FOCUS.
Considerando que a nossa presença na Terra é de curta duração, cada um de nós tem a responsabilidade de deixar a natureza em condições melhores do que as que encontrou, em prol das gerações futuras. No próximo dia 25 de setembro, junte-se a nós para mais um Global Ismaili CIVIC Day e, em conjunto, fazermos deste mundo um lugar melhor.
Considering that our presence on earth is temporary, each of us has the responsibility to leave nature in a better condition than we found it, for the sake of future generations. On September 25, join us for another Global Ismaili CIVIC Day and together make this world a better place.
O inglês é uma das línguas mais faladas globalmente, possibilitando o contacto entre pessoas de todos os cantos do mundo. Conheça as principais razões para aprender inglês e que levaram à criação do English4All!
After having served for 34 years in leadership positions, including the past 12 years as Co-Director of The Institute of Ismaili Studies (“IIS”), Dr Farhad Daftary has decided to step down from his management roles in early January 2023. Dr Daftary will not be retiring from IIS, but will continue his scholarly research, writing and teaching activities at IIS indefinitely.
O National Council em Portugal está a acompanhar a situação gerada pela propagação da COVID-19. Através deste link, o Jamat terá acesso a atualizações sobre as medidas que estão a ser tomadas para reduzir a propagação do vírus.
The Pre-School, Ta’lim and Secondary Curriculum materials are being made available in a digital format to the Jamat, by subscription. Access these materials through the IIS Digital Curriculum (IISDC) e-book platform. For more information contact ITREB: [email protected].
To mark global day in Bangladesh, volunteers from the Ismaili community pledge to plant 1,000 trees as part of the Global Ismaili CIVIC Day.
The US economy is showing signs of slowing, with the possibility of a recession in the coming months. Economic volatility is expected to present challenges due to rising prices, higher interest rates, geopolitical tensions, and supply chain disruptions.
The Aga Khan Development Network is excited to announce the launch of its new website, which features a redesign and new visual identity.
Following an invitation from Buckingham Palace, Mawlana Hazar Imam requested Prince Rahim to represent him at the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, which took place today. Prince Rahim attended the Committal Ceremony held at Windsor Castle this afternoon.
Naila Pachani, a nurse from Karachi, Pakistan is committed to enriching the lives of others through the ever-evolving field of clinical research in fighting debilitating diseases such as Cancer. Naila recently completed a postgraduate degree from Monash University, Australia and is currently working as a Cancer Clinical Trials Coordinator at Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute in Victoria.
Naila is also trained as an AlWaez and enjoys teaching, and conducting faith-based educational sessions. She loves reading books, travelling, singing and dancing.