Ismaili Centres Archive
Prince Rahim and Princess Zahra represented Mawlana Hazar Imam at a special ceremony and luncheon today in Vancouver to sign an Agreement of Cooperation between the Ismaili Imamat and the Province of British Columbia.
The celebrations of 50 years of the Ismaili community’s significant presence in Canada continued today in the city of Edmonton, with a luncheon at Government House attended by Princess Zahra and Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Salma Lakhani, followed by the formal opening of the Diwan Pavilion at the Aga Khan Garden.
Businesses will be given financial support for six months to cover up to 50% of their energy bills in the latest move by government to mitigate soaring energy costs.
The Bank of England has raised interest rates by a further 0.5% to 2.25%, rejecting calls for a 0.75% rise supported by some members of the monetary policy committee.
Following UK Chancellor’s recent announcements as part of the Government’s ‘Growth Plan’, we outline below key tax-related announcements for guidance purposes:
“Wealth and Power are not objectives in themselves but are to be used in the service of others “Irshad Mubarak in Shugnan, Tajikistan, 25 September 1998.
FOCUS has been supporting the resettlement of approximately 200 Afghan migrants from refugee camps in Greece to Portugal since winter 2021, with a further 150 migrants due to be resettled by the end of the year. Today we hear from three families who have recently resettled in Portugal as part of “A New Beginning”, the bilateral agreement between the Portuguese and Greek authorities. The Hissami, Saberi and Sarkhosh families tell us of how FOCUS has helped them on their resettlement journey and what their hopes and dreams are for the future.
Prince Amyn attended the groundbreaking ceremony today for Generations Toronto, a multi-generational housing development close to the Ismaili Centre in Toronto. Distinguished guests included Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Toronto’s Mayor John Tory and local and national leaders of the Jamat.
The eagerly anticipated winners of this year’s Aga Khan Award for Architecture were announced this week. The six winning projects uniquely differ from one another but, as Faisal Ali explains, they share one important aspect.
Action, ambition, and hope were on display this week as world leaders joined United Nations Goodwill Ambassadors Priyanka Chopra-Jonas, Amanda Gorman, and others for the annual SDG Moment at the UN headquarters in New York. Projected onto the big screens this year were Prince Hussain’s photographs depicting the beauty and fragility of the natural world.
In between country and home
Article by Maryam Ismaili. Afghan Ismaili refugee to Australia, 2019
يومَ الخدمة المجتمعيّة الإسماعيليّ العالميّ فرصةٌ مميزة لإظهار مدى التزام الجماعات بالخدمة والمواطنة الصالحة، في وقتٍ تواجه فيه كثيرٌ من المجتمعات صعوباتٍ وريبةً غير مسبوقة. يلفت يومُ الخدمة المجتمعيّة الإسماعيلي ّالعالميّ الانتباه نحو قيمنا، كمسلمين شيعة إسماعيليين، وأخلاقنا ووحدتنا كمجتمع عالميّ.
The Key to the City of Toronto was awarded to Mawlana Hazar Imam at a special ceremony hosted today at the Ismaili Centre in Toronto, during which a segment of Wynford Drive was ceremonially named Aga Khan Boulevard.
Prince Amyn accepted the honours on behalf of Hazar Imam and thanked Mayor John Tory and the City of Toronto for the special gesture.
As rehabilitation efforts continue in Pakistan, Ismaili CIVIC volunteers continue to support affected individuals and the communities in which they reside – demonstrating a commitment to Islam’s core values of service, peace, compassion and care for the vulnerable.
The tradition of service and volunteering in the Ismaili community is one rooted in a 1400-year history. The giving of one’s time, effort, and resources for the development of both the community and wider society is a core value of the faith, and its many expressions have been an essential part of the community’s history, well-being, and identity.
The Ismaili CIVIC Pakistan introduced a module on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability for schools to aid teachers and parents understand the fundamental concepts of Climate Change and Environment. The module is developed in partnership with LUMS Learning Institute, Aga Khan University – Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED) and Aga Khan Education Service, Pakistan.
The Academic Skills Support Team in the Department of Graduate Studies at the Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) is tasked with raising the number of high-quality applicants for the Institute’s graduate programmes from priority countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Syria and Tajikistan. In particular, we focus on finding excellent candidates to apply for the Secondary Teacher Education Programme (STEP). This in itself has not been difficult; year after year, we find people with fantastic teaching potential, motivation and commitment to the Jamat. However, getting their academic skills up to a level where they could undertake the rigours of a dual programme including a Master’s and PGDip is more of a challenge. We work with local providers who teach academic skills in each country, but another important ingredient to achieving our goal has been the use of TKN teachers to shore up local and UK programmes with remotely-based, small-group, targeted online teaching.
A edição de 2022 do Camp ILUMINAR, contou com mais de 110 participantes de diferentes nacionalidades e origens, incluindo Portugal, França, Angola, Congo, Paquistão, Índia, Afeganistão, Tajiquistão, Síria e Suíça. Foi emocionante ver participantes de diferentes origens unirem-se para formar conexões e amizades duradouras.
This year, Camp ILUMINAR had over 110 participants with different nationalities and origins, including Portugal, France, Angola, Congo, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Syria and Switzerland. It was heart-warming to see participants with different backgrounds come together to form lasting connections and friendships.