“Wealth and Power are not objectives in themselves but are to be used in the service of others “Irshad Mubarak in Shugnan, Tajikistan, 25 September 1998.

Wealth therefore has a social and ethical value and purpose.

The National Conciliation and Arbitration Boards (NCABS) globally aim to promote Unity and Harmony amongst families and the Jamat.

They endeavour to resolve disputes and work towards prevention of disputes through collating root causes of disputes and work with sister Institutions in prevention of disputes.

Overtime, it has been noted that one of the key root causes of disputes and breakdown in families is either lack of a valid will or disputes about a will following the passing of a murid.

The International Conciliation and Arbitration Board in collaboration with the Institute of Ismaili Studies and under the direction of Mawlana Hazar Imam, has launched the initiative on Ethical Wealth Transfer and Inheritance Planning.

This initiative has been launched globally with guidelines to promote ethical transfer of wealth along the principles of Natural Justice and Equity, that means fairness, equity, empathy, compassion, caring, generosity bearing in mind those who are dependant and vulnerable and maintain the principle of gender equality. The guidelines are not prescriptive and will vary according to one’s individual circumstances and the country that one resides in.

In order for the Jamats to better understand the guidelines, ICAB has trained facilitators in each Jurisdiction to assist in explaining these guidelines.

Please click here for the guidelines or see below for contact details of the trained facilitators within the UK Jurisdiction or contact NCAB on [email protected].