Ismaili Centres Archive
Whether you are a student of Islamic history, a lover of art and culture, or simply curious about the remarkable Fatimid period, the latest IIS book launch is not to be missed.
Through the millennia of human existence, the Earth’s climate has shifted gradually from ice ages to warm periods due to natural cycles. So why are we so concerned about the changing climate now?
Os muçulmanos de todo o mundo aguardam ansiosamente o Eid ul-Fitr como uma ocasião de paz, felicidade, alegria e celebração. É um dia para orações especiais e a extensão do perdão e da generosidade.
بورد تعلیم و تربیه آغاخان )AKEB(فرانسه و تیم تعلیم و تربیه دوران کودکی، تولد نوزاد جدید شما را تبریک می گویند . مؤسسات جماعت برای کمک به شما در نقش والدین و ارائه بهترین ابزار در بیداری کود کتان، این جزوه را تهیه کرده اند .این شامل معلوماتی است که به شما در درک و حمایت از صحت جسمی، اجتماعی، عاطفی و فکری کود کتان کمک میکند و همچنین ابزارهای مفیدی برای تضمین آیندهای مطمئن، سالم و پر جنب و جوش برای کود کتان دارد .
The Aga Khan Education Board (AKEB) for France and the Early Childhood Education team congratulate you on the birth of your newborn child. To help you in your role as a parent and give you the best tools to raise your child, the Jamati institutions have prepared this booklet. It that contains information to help you understand and support your child’s physical, social, affective and intellectual well being as well as useful tools to ensure a safe, healthy, and vibrant future for your child.
Aga Khan Education Board (AKEB) France et l’équipe Early Chilhood Education vous félicitent pour la naissance de votre nouveau-né. Pour vous aider dans votre rôle de parent et vous donner les meilleurs outils dans l’éveil de votre enfant, les institutions du Jamat ont préparé ce livret. Il contient des informations pour vous aider à comprendre et à soutenir le bien-être physique, social, affectif et intellectuel de votre enfant ainsi que des outils utiles pour assurer un avenir sûr, sain et dynamique à votre enfant.
تعلیم و تربیه آقاخان افتخار دارد که این "راهنمای عملی تعلیم و تربیه "را به شما ارائه می کند
این رهنمود به والدین و متعلمی اجازه میدهد تا با سیستم تعلیمی فرانسه و سطح توقع نظر به هر صنف آشنای حاصل نموده و در مورد نکات مواظبت شما را آگاه سازد.
Ya Ali Madad
Aga Khan Education Board à le plaisir de vous offrir ce « Guide Pratique de l’Éducation. » Ce guide permettra aux parents et aux élèves de comprendre le système éducatif français, de connaitre ce qui est attendu pour chaque classe et de vous alerter sur les points de vigilance.
Earth Day is an annual event which first started on 22 April 1970, and this year it will be observed on 22 April 2023. The initial aim of Earth Day was to raise awareness of our environment and to address critical issues that we face. Some previous themes were 'Water for Life,’ 'Healthy Environments for Children,' 'The Face of Climate Change,' 'Trees for Earth' and 'End Plastic Pollution'. This year, the theme is ‘Invest in Our Planet.’ Today we are more aware than ever before that investing in our planet is critical to minimise the grave dangers that confront Mother Earth, our Home.
Last May, record temperatures provoked a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) in northern Pakistan, sweeping away bridges and villages in the valley below the Shishper glacier. Higher up the mountains, the semi-nomadic Wakhi were leading their yaks to summer pastures. Their traditional lifestyle has been heavily impacted by climate change. Season 2, Episode 9 of Voices from the Roof of the World, entitled “Cry from the Mountains” explores GLOFs and their effects in northern Pakistan.
Sabia que as inscrições para o evento “Speed Mentoring: vou para o secundário e agora?” já se encontram abertas? Se gostava de ajudar o seu educando a escolher a área do secundário ou de perceber quais as diferenças entre o currículo Português e o currículo IB não perca esta oportunidade e inscreva-se já!
Did you know that the registration for this year’s Summer Youth Camps is already open? If your child is between 6 and 17 years old and you would like to know more, join us next Saturday, 29 April, at 10.30AM at the Exhibition Hall of the Ismaili Centre, Lisboa.
Did you know that over the last 50 years, world plastic production has increased 8 times to a shocking 400 million tonnes? Plastic is an integral part of our lives and essential in many situations. But it is neither healthy nor sustainable for the planet. What can we do then? How can we rethink plastic and possible alternatives for a healthier future? The exhibition we propose today seeks these answers. Find out all the details.
Ter um currículo objetivo e atraente é um passo essencial para se iniciar qualquer carreira. Se és estudante e tens dúvidas sobre como compor o teu currículo, então este artigo é para ti! Abaixo apresentamos algumas dicas que deves ter em mente para compores o teu currículo com a maior eficácia possível.
No âmbito do programa My Golden Events, realizou-se uma sessão em que se falou sobre rotinas e o beneficio das mesmas. De como para os seniores manter diversas atividades rotineiras traz benefícios e os mantem ativos.
LABIC: Laboratório de Cidadania Intercultural | «To be continued» é um programa que visa contribuir para a integração académica, social, cultural e profissional.
Sabia que, nos últimos 50 anos, a produção de plástico mundial aumentou 8 vezes para uns chocantes 400 milhões de toneladas? O plástico faz parte integrante das nossas vidas e é, em muitas situações, imprescindível. Mas não é saudável nem sustentável para o planeta. O que podemos então fazer? Como podemos repensar o plástico e possíveis alternativas para um futuro mais saudável? A exposição, que lhe propomos hoje, procura essas respostas. Fique a conhecer todos os detalhes.
Nowruz shared with the public at the Children’s Discovery Museum, San Jose, allowing the audience to learn about our festival and cultures.
Jubilee Arts was inaugurated during the commemoration of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Diamond Jubilee and consists of three anchor programmes: The International Art Gallery (IAG), the International Film Festival (IFF) and the International Performing Arts Showcase (IPAS). The Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board for Pakistan will host regional and national qualifiers as part of the National Arts Festival 2023, leading up to Jubilee Arts at the Global Encounters Festival in 2024.