Ismaili Centres Archive
Jubilee Arts was inaugurated during the commemoration of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Diamond Jubilee and consists of three anchor programmes: The International Art Gallery, the International Film Festival, and the International Performing Arts Showcase. These programmes seek to promote the arts and showcase artistic excellence from the Jamat. Furthermore, these programmes provide an opportunity for self-expression and discourse through creative expression.
These platforms are meant to inspire and engage new and aspiring artists as well as seasoned, accomplished, and world-class artists alike, creating organic opportunities for mentorship and collaboration. In an effort to continuously evolve, the proposed GE Festival will also introduce and explore culinary and fashion arts at the International event.
To participate in Jubilee Arts at the GE Festival, GCC participants must first compete in the GCC Regional Qualifiers. Those who qualify will go on to be compete with the best talent from across the GCC regions at the Gulf Arts and Sports Festival 2023 and the finalists will go on to be showcased on the global world stage at Jubilee Arts in 2024.
To prepare the jamat for the Regional Qualifiers and GASF 2023 Arts Masterclasses have been organised in various arts categories, led by experts in their fields. Learn more and register below:
The University of Central Asia’s School of Arts and Science (UCA) peeks out between snow-capped mountains from scenic campuses in Khorog, Tajikistan and Naryn, Kyrgyzstan, with a much anticipated upcoming campus in Tekeli, Kazakhstan. The university, founded in 2000, is brought to life out of reverence for Mawlana Hazar Imam’s vision that education is the path to progress.
No ano em que se comemoram os 25 anos do Centro Ismaili, Lisboa, no próximo dia 11 de julho, Sara Sadrudin, coordenadora das Visitas Guiadas desde 2016, partilha connosco a sua perspetiva sobre o Centro Ismaili e qual a importância deste para a nossa comunidade.
In the year that celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon, on July 11, Sara Sadrudin, coordinator of the Guided Tours since 2016 shares with us her perspective on the Ismaili Centre and how important it is for our community.
GRB for Pakistan is hiring an Executive Officer (EO). Applications close on May 15th, 2023.
O GRB do Paquistão está a contratar para a posição de Executive Officer (EO). As candidaturas terminam a 15 de maio de 2023.
No fim de semana de 13 e 14 de maio, o Centro Ismaili Lisboa faz parte da lista de 73 espaços disponíveis para visitar por toda a cidade, enquadrado no Open House Lisboa 2023.