Content Tagged with Portugal
O TLA tem o prazer de partilhar o testemunho de Gulnar Sacoor, cuja dedicação ao Life Long Learning a levou a encontrar a sua paixão na área das artes. Inspire-se na sua história e descoberta da pintura, e como a transferibilidade de aptidões juntamente com a sede de aprendizagem levaram Gulnar a seguir a sua paixão a tempo inteiro.
A segunda edição do ArtSpark Challenge chegou ao fim. A participação nesta edição ainda foi tímida mas muito criativa! Venha daí ver o que os nossos artistas criaram.
Practice more sports and join the Youth & Sports activities that are taking place right now.
The lights of hope begin to turn on and with them our plans regain all their meaning. So, this is the time to grab life and add value to health and well-being. It is time to recover.
As luzes da esperança começam a acender e com elas os nossos planos recuperam todo o sentido e significado. Por isso, este é o momento de agarrar a vida e acrescentar valor à saúde e ao bem-estar. É tempo de recuperar.
Falemos sobre Qualidade de Vida e de Potencial Humano!
Não restam dúvidas que um dos fatores de sucesso para a Qualidade de Vida reside no potencial humano - nas suas qualidades, saberes e interesses -, sendo oportuno criar contextos favoráveis à sua exploração e desenvolvimento, num percurso nunca imediato, mas de médio/longo prazo.
A review of the funding, operational, technological, and regulatory factors that allowed for fast development of COVID-19 vaccines shows which will remain relevant for future efforts—and which won’t.
Update on the Exceptional and Temporary Measures to be in force during the Public Calamity Situation.
COVID-19 Vaccination – ANGOLA
The COVID-19 pandemic is an exceptional and tragic health event that transcends the health sector due to its negative systemic impact on society and the economy and for which, no country was prepared. It presents enormous challenges for the health sector, as it is a permanent threat to individual and collective life and security, causing disturbances in the social behavior of the population and the deterioration of the economic condition of families and the business fabric, which consequently increases poverty.
His Highness the Aga Khan is the 49th hereditary Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslims. In the context of his hereditary responsibilities, His Highness has been deeply engaged with the development of countries around the world for more than 60 years through the work of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN).
Graduation ceremonies often signify moments of avid hope and possibility. The Aga Khan University’s first ever global convocation was no different, as hundreds of graduands — all dressed in green convocation robes — celebrated with faculty, trustees, and guests, while a worldwide audience participated in the virtual festivities.
Once a boy asked his teacher, “How great is God?” Looking out the window, the teacher saw a plane and asked the student: “How big is that plane?” The student said, “It’s so small, you can hardly see it.” The teacher took the students to an airport and when they arrived near a plane asked: “And now, how big is this plane?” The student replied, “Oh teacher, this one is huge!” The teacher then said: “here is the answer to your question, the closer you are to God, the greater God will be in your life!”
Ser criança é a melhor fase da vida, concordam? O AKEB e A Porta Amarela não querem deixar este dia passar em branco!
The Project aims to create a favourable environment for families to enjoy conditions that allow them to fill immediate needs and progress in their quality of life, creating possibilities for the development of human potential, personal and professional fulfilment. Considering each Family as the main agent of its own development, the role of mentor is essential to the success of the program.
The Project aims to create a supportive environment for families to enjoy conditions that allow them to fill immediate needs and progress in their quality of life, creating possibilities for the development of human potential, personal and professional fulfilment. Considering each Family as the main agent of its own development, the role of mentor is essential to the success of the program.
Let's talk about Quality of Life and Human Potential!
There is no doubt that one of the success factors for Quality of Life resides in human potential - in their qualities, knowledge and interests - and it is pertinent to create contexts that are favorable to its exploration and development, in a path that is never immediate, but in a medium/long term.