Ismaili Centres Archive
New or more experienced, everyone is part of this great festival of Art and Culture. Get ready! A weekend of celebration of Art is coming, but above all, a celebration of all our artists! The theme for this year is: CARE. Come find out more!
Dunia, Farshed, Farzod, Nalina y Naya, nuestros estudiantes de Ta‘lim de primaria del jamat de España, comparten con nosotros su dibujos y redacciones. ¡Gracias!
Our primary Ta‘lim students from Spain Jamat, Dunia, Farshed, Farzod, Nalina and Naya, share here their drawings and texts. Thank you!
Climate change is the most important topic affecting the future of our children. As responsible parents, it's important for us to talk to them about the issue. This article can help you explain climate change in a way that’s easy for children to understand.
The Greater Los Angeles Jamat Gathers to Commemorate Roz-e-Nur, Celebrating Mawlana Hazar Imam’s First Visit to Tajikistan
More than 100 trees were planted in Singapore in June as part of the #OneMillionTrees movement.
Former U.S. Marine discusses his new cybersecurity role.
In today’s world, artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a game changer. From chatbots to self-driving cars to virtual assistants, AI is everywhere, promising convenience and incredible advancements. But as this powerful technology grows, what will it mean for our future?
Mas, afinal, o que é o Global Encounters Festival? É Arte. É Cultura. É desporto. É a inspiração de que precisas para mostrar o talento que há em ti!
But what is the Global Encounters Festival, after all? It's Art. It’s culture. It's sports. It's the Inspiration you need to show the talent within you!
Em preparação para o Summer Youth Camps de 2023, a equipa do Camp Iluminar aventurou-se a norte, até ao Campo Jovem, em Tomar, para participar num retiro de formação. Cada monitor levou as suas próprias habilidades e perspetivas únicas, permitindo que construíssem e se equipassem com as ferramentas para causar um impacto significativo nos jovens que ingressarão no acampamento em agosto.
In preparation for the Summer Youth Camps 2023, the Camp Iluminar team went north, to Campo Jovem, in Tomar, to participate in a training retreat. Each monitor took their skills and unique perspectives, allowing them to build and equip themselves with the necessary tools to cause significant impact on the youth that will go to the camp in August.
O Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) convida todo o Jamat a participar no workshop de Literacia Financeira, a realizar-se no dia 4 de julho, às 18h00, na sala 29 do Centro Ismaili, Lisboa. Os lugares são limitados e o workshop será lecionado em inglês.
The Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) invites all the Jamat to join on Financial Literacy Workshop, to be held on July 4th, at 06:00pm, in room 29 of the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon. Seats are limited and the workshop will be taught in English.
O Elderly Care promoveu um workshop com o tema “Literacia Financeira e os Seus Desafios”, com o objetivo de os seniores terem uma melhor orientação e conseguirem planear de forma detalhada as suas finanças.
No passado mês de maio, os alunos do Bytes4Future visitaram as instalações da Ascendi, na sede da Boavista.