Ismaili Centres Archive
The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat - Communication, Social Media, and Design Consultant (Environment and Climate Change Focus)
Os presentamos el Boletín n. 10, deseando que todos hayáis podido celebrar el 66 Día del Imamat
Mensaje del Presidente del Consejo Nacional con motivo de las celebraciones del Día del Imamat 2023
Members of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s family welcomed President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and other senior leaders to commemorate Imamat Day at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat in Lisbon.
Entre os princípios da Tariqah Shia Ismaili do Islão, o mais importante é o reconhecimento do Imam do Tempo. O Imamat Day é a ocasião para reafirmar este princípio, expressar a nossa gratidão a Mawlana Hazar Imam, e reafirmar a nossa lealdade espiritual ao Imam e o nosso compromisso com a ética da fé.
Last year, Mawlana Hazar Imam approved a new set of guidelines for Jamatkhana volunteers. Since then, the Ismaili Council for Pakistan with the help of dedicated volunteers has been working to launch the new structure.
معايدة المجلس الشيعي الامامي الاسماعيلي لصاحب السمو الأمير آغا خان لسورية بمناسبة عيد الإمامة المبارك 11 تموز 2023
Work started on pouring Level 3 decks and Level 3 walls. Mechanical and electrical equipment, such as emergency power generators and chillers, were installed. North garden hardscape work continued, and started planting trees. Click here to see a constrution progress video
Entre los principios de la Tariqah shií ismailí del Islam, el más importante es el reconocimiento del Imam del Tiempo. El Día del Imamat es la ocasión para reafirmar este principio, expresar nuestra gratitud a Mawlana Hazir Imam y reafirmar nuestra lealtad espiritual al Imam y nuestro compromiso con la ética de la fe.
Miembros de la familia de Mawlana Hazir Imam recibieron al Presidente Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa y a otros altos dirigentes para conmemorar el Día del Imamat en el Diwan del Imamat Ismailí en Lisboa.
The below eight University of Central Asia (UCA) TKN volunteers were invited to attend the UCA Convocation held in June 2023, in recognition of their exemplary voluntary service to UCA. Among the distinguished guests were UCA trustees, including Princess Zahra Aga Khan. These TKN volunteers had the unique opportunity to be introduced to Princess Zahra at a special event - see above photograph of the TKN volunteers pictured with Princess Zahra. Photos and brief summaries of the volunteers’ exceptional TKN contributions to UCA are provided below.
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attended the 26th Annual Ismaili Muslim Stampede Breakfast in Calgary yesterday alongside senior representatives of the federal, provincial and municipal governments, as well as civil society, business and other community leaders.
Encontros inesquecíveis que iluminam o espírito humano!
O Jubilee Arts (JA) foi inaugurado durante a comemoração do Jubileu de Diamante de Mawlana Hazar Imam.