Ismaili Centres Archive
On 10 September 2023, Ismaili CIVIC joined the Tanjong Pagar Town Council and Delta Residence Committee (RC) at Blk 129A, Clarence Lane in Queenstown for its tree-planting day.
“Last year, I received only four boxes of honey bees, which allowed me to produce and sell honey worth Rs. 40,000. This income helped me clear my debts and manage daily expenses,” shared Shabi Noor Khan, a resident of Gulaghmuli Valley in Gilgit-Baltistan's Ghizer District and a beneficiary of Socio-Economic Development Programme (SEDP).
On this week’s episode of Muslim Footprints, we discuss the history and significance of our cherished ginan tradition. Professor Ali Asani of Harvard University helps us explore the profound meanings, cultural significance, and spiritual depth in their verses — tune in to learn more.
Debating and Virtual Reality Skills Showcase Two Students
As inscrições para as Bolsas TSP para licenciaturas e mestrados integrados já se encontram abertas. Sabe mais aqui!
Applications for TSP Scholarships for undergraduate studies and integrated master's programmes are now open. Find out more here!
Se está a ler este artigo antes do dia 17, apresse-se a fazer a sua submissão para o Portugal Arts Festival que o prazo está mesmo a terminar!
Senão, fique a saber o que andamos a fazer nos bastidores. Continue a ler.
If you are reading this article before the 17th of September, hurry up and submit your work of art to the Portugal Arts Festival as the deadline is just around the corner!
Otherwise, find out what we're doing behind the scenes. Keep reading.
No sábado passado, 9 de Setembro, realizou-se o evento "SDM Cultura e Artes". Descubra mais aqui!
Come and make a difference on 29 September, from 9:45am to 1pm, at a beach clean-up in partnership with the League for the Protection of Nature (LPN) and Oeiras City Council.
The Global Centre for Pluralism today announced 10 finalists for the 2023 Global Pluralism Award. Presented every two years, the Award celebrates the inspiring and brave work that is helping to build more inclusive societies where diversity is valued and protected.
The Schools2030 Global Forum reconvened this summer, bringing together leaders in education to address a crucial question: How can we foster more inclusive schools, equitable education systems, and pluralistic learning societies for all?
The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) proudly marked its launch in Australia with an inaugural gala held in Sydney on Saturday 2nd of September 2023, attended by 250 people. This milestone event celebrated the Foundation’s arrival in the land down under and announced its intention to work with the Australian people to improve the quality of life for vulnerable communities in Asia and Africa.
O Príncipe Rahim encontrou-se, no inicio de agosto, com Sua Santidade o Papa Francisco durante a visita do Papa a Lisboa para assinalar a Jornada Mundial da Juventude, um evento religioso e cultural, criado pela Igreja Católica para reunir jovens de todo o mundo.