Ismaili Centres Archive
This week on the Muslim Footprints podcast, we discuss the legacy of Islam in the Iberian Peninsula. Professor Brian Catlos accompanies us on an expedition through al Andalus to discover Islamic influences in its art and culture. Tune in to learn more.
Coastal ecosystems, often referred to as “nature's green lungs,” serve as a critical line of defense against climate change, while protecting vulnerable shorelines, and sustaining rich biodiversity. This year, the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) recruited Dr Hafeez Jamal on a TKN assignment to help design a community and ecosystem-based approach to coastal regeneration in Kenya and Tanzania.
É com grande entusiasmo que o Elderly Care partilha com todos vós que as actividades presenciais já recomeçaram!
O ITREB Portugal tem o prazer de apresentar o AWAKEN - An Adult Learning Program, uma oportunidade notável que o convida a embarcar na exploração da nossa fé. Preparamos uma série de workshops para levá-lo a descobrir nossa fé, à autorreflexão e construir um elo de identidade mais forte.
No passado dia 27 de setembro, o Centro Ismaili, Lisboa recebeu vários convidados para a apresentação e inauguração da cativante exposição “Football and Religion: Tales of Hope, Passion & Play”. Apresentada pelo Instituto para o Estudo das Civilizações Muçulmanas da Universidade Aga Khan (AKU-ISMC) em colaboração com a Galeria do Aga Khan Centre, esta exposição resulta da investigação inovadora do Professor Leif Stenberg sobre a relação entre futebol e a religião, com foco nos rituais dos jogadores e o impacto social do jogo.
On 27 September, the Ismaili Centre in Lisbon hosted a number of guests for the presentation and opening of the captivating exhibition "Football and Religion: Tales of Hope, Passion & Play". Presented by the Aga Khan University's Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations (AKU-ISMC) in collaboration with the Aga Khan Centre Gallery, this exhibition is the result of Professor Leif Stenberg's groundbreaking research into the relationship between football and religion, with a focus on players' rituals and the social impact of the game.
ITREB Portugal is thrilled to introduce AWAKEN - An Adult Learning Program, a remarkable opportunity that invites you to embark on a dynamic exploration of our faith. We have prepared a series of workshops to lead you to nurturing of our faith, self-reflection and building a stronger sense of identity.
In ancient Athens and in Fatimid Cairo, a liberal arts education was considered the hallmark of a well-rounded citizen. This approach is vital today for its ability to foster critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability. That’s why the Aga Khan University’s newest faculty has built its undergraduate curriculum around it.
As people spend more time immersed in TikTok, Instagram Reels, and other social media feeds, there’s a common perception that society is losing touch with history and culture. However, technology also opens up avenues to strengthen our relationship with our cultural heritage. Institutions like the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) have launched initiatives that leverage technology to make culture-based content easy to access.
Financial literacy is the ability to understand and use skills like budgeting, personal spending management, and investing. With these skills, we can better our relationship with money and understand how using it wisely can improve our financial security. So, the question is, why aren’t we teaching children about this sooner?
Vaccination is a simple, safe, and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases, before they come into contact with them. We now have vaccines to prevent more than 20 life-threatening diseases, helping people of all ages, live longer and healthier lives.
No dia 24 de setembro de 2023, as praias de Dafundo e Cruz Quebrada foram o cenário de uma ação notável e inspiradora: o Global Ismaili CIVIC Day.
On 24 September 2023, the beaches of Dafundo and Cruz Quebrada were the scene of a remarkable and inspiring action: Global Ismaili CIVIC Day.