Ismaili Centres Archive
Come and see the exhibition "Football and Religion: Stories of Hope, Passion and Play" in the Exhibition Hall of the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon.
We are excited to share that live streaming will be available throughout the weekend as the United States Ismaili Games take place in Dallas, Texas!
Over 90 artists from 4 centres put together an overwhelmingly unforgettable programme of 22 thought-provoking performances all expressing the theme of CARE through virtual arts, film, instrumental music, voice, creative arts, and dance. Winners were selected to represent the Far East at the Global Encounters Festival in summer of 2024.
Parents are encouraged to teach anxious children that not all thoughts are real, since the human body sometimes responds to imaginary threats. However, climate change is not imaginary, it is real — and for some children, it is terrifying.
Vegan diets are surging in popularity, but are sometimes viewed with a degree of scepticism. A barrage of questions like “won’t you miss meat?” and “how will you get enough protein?” are often posed at those who become vegan. I once asked those same questions, but now I have some answers. Here’s my story.
In the boundless expanse of career possibilities, the journey to finding your path can feel like coursing through the cosmos — filled with unexpected discoveries, unforeseen challenges, and unconventional opportunities. Jamil Shariff, a senior technical staff member in Systems Design at Canadian space technology company MDA, embodies this journey with a career trajectory that defies the norm, offering invaluable insights for those seeking to advance in their careers while facing the unknown.
The Council for Pakistan is issuing herewith the economic advisory for Q3’ 2023 for the Jamat’s understanding and reflection.
The Social Welfare and Women’s Activity Committee recently organized a delightful day of lunch and engaging activities for seniors at the picturesque Courtside Chef Table on Madani Avenue. The event aimed to bring joy, foster connections, and create cherished memories for all participants.
Prince Rahim met His Holiness Pope Francis, at the beginning of august, in Lisbon, during the Pope’s visit to mark World Youth Day, a week-long religious and cultural event established by the Catholic Church to bring together young people from around the world.
Conversar, ler histórias ou fazer massagem na barriga, ajudam o feto a desenvolver-se e fortalecer o vínculo entre a mãe e o bebé.
Talking, storytelling or massaging the belly helps the fetus to develop and strengthens the bond between mother and baby.
A compra de alimentos tornou-se uma atividade perigosa. Horrores nutricionais espreitam em cada prateleira. Refeições prontas estão repletas de sal e conservantes, cereais matinais são mais doces que barras de chocolate e carnes processadas estão repletas de conservantes de nitrito, que podem formar compostos nocivos quando cozinhados.
Food shopping has become a dangerous pursuit. Nutritional horrors lurk on every shelf. Ready-meals are packed with salt and preservatives, breakfast cereals are sweeter than chocolate bars, and processed meats are packed with nitrite-preservatives, which can form harmful compounds when cooked.
For more than 100 days now, Hollywood writers and actors have been on strike, bringing TV and film production in America to a standstill. One of their major concerns centres on the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI). Why is this the case, and how much of a threat to livelihoods does AI present?