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As Charles Darwin once said, “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” Cambridge O Level is an internationally recognised qualification that provides learners with excellent preparation for Cambridge Advanced, as well as other progression routes. Illiyun Banani, a 17-year-old Ismaili student from St. Michael’s Convent School, located in Karachi, secured an A* in his Cambridge International Examinations in Physics. He was also acknowledged as the top student from the region of Sindh and Balochistan. In total, he secured 10 A* and 1 A in CIE. He aspires to become an expert in the field of medicine.
Afraaz Mulji believes music will bring Canadian communities together as life returns to normal following COVID-19 shutdowns.
Sou educadora, com vários anos de experiência em contextos internacionais, em diferentes partes do mundo. Nos últimos anos, tenho trabalhado como educadora parental e com crianças com diferentes capacidades de aprendizagem. Estas dicas são baseadas nos meus cinco anos de conhecimento no terreno.
I am an educator with many years of experiences within the international settings and in different parts of the world. For the last few years, I have been working as a parent educator and with children with different learning abilities. These tips are based on my five years of expertise in this field.
A medida excecional, relativa às comparticipações financeiras da Segurança Social às respostas sociais asseguradas pelas Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social (IPSS) e entidades equiparadas, foi prolongada até Setembro.
Para esta semana, esteja ainda em período de confinamento ou não, temos propostas para si e para toda a família!
Conheça as atividades online que o Elderly Care tem vindo a realizar para os seniores.
Get to know the online activities Elderly Care has been organizing for seniors.
As pessoas mais resilientes têm uma maior probabilidade de "escaparem" a doenças. O envelhecimento saudável e a longevidade também se encontram associados à resiliência.
The more resilient people are, more likely they are to "escape" illness. Healthy aging and longevity are also associated with resilience.
A Fundação Aga Khan Portugal lançou a iniciativa AKF TALKS em 2018, no âmbito do Jubileu de Diamante de Sua Alteza o Príncipe Aga Khan, com o propósito de provocar o debate e estimular a colaboração entre diferentes stakeholders, sobre as grandes tendências globais que estão a mudar o nosso futuro.
In June 2020, Ismaili CIVIC donated two thousand face masks to London Search and Rescue (LSAR) and Age UK as part of the Covid-19 pandemic response.
Important Employment Update for Students and Recent Graduates
(Last updated: 29/6/20)
The Aga Khan Academy has started a little initiative to bring the Academy’s community together.