Ismaili Centres Archive
Ainda vai a tempo de viver uma experiência fantástica junto de Vincent Van Gogh. Sim, junto dele… ou quase!
Foi descoberto, na Colômbia, um muro com cerca de 13 quilómetros de pinturas rupestres com cerca de 12 mil e 500 anos.
Esta semana, o destaque das atividades dos seniores vai para a sessão com o tema “Mentes Milionárias”, conduzida pela Dra. Sandra Barradas.
This week we highlight the seniors’ session on theme “Millionaire Minds”, conducted by Dr. Sandra Barradas.
Realizaram-se, na Biblioteca Municipal de Marvila, filmagens para a construção de um webinar, protagonizado por professores de Português Língua Não Materna (PLNM) e de outras disciplinas.
Os esquemas de burlas e fraude têm aumentado em Portugal devido à pandemia de COVID-19. Devido à maior exposição do consumidor às plataformas online e à falta de literacia digital, uma boa parte da população, especialmente os idosos, estão numa posição vulnerável.
A caminhada é uma atividade física aeróbica que pode ser realizada por qualquer pessoa, independentemente da sua idade ou condicionamento físico, possuindo diversos benefícios para a saúde, como a melhoria do sistema cardiovascular, a diminuição dos sintomas de stress e ansiedade, o fortalecimento muscular e a diminuição do inchaço.
The field of User Experience (UX) has grown rapidly over recent years, due to the proliferation of electronic devices, software apps, games, and productivity tools. We take a look into the world of UX and some of the career opportunities that may exist within it.
From increasing intelligence to extending average life expectancy, reading only brings benefits. Find out more.
“You have to make these really extreme clinical decisions at times where you are like I don't have enough information to decide what’s the best for this patient but I’m so grateful for all the training that I have had, for my mentors and colleagues from other states.” - Sharmin Amjad
The third edition of the Paris Peace Forum was held from 11 to 13 November 2020. Stakeholders from different backgrounds were brought together to discuss global challenges and promote constructive solutions. This year, young Ismaili professionals from the France jurisdiction also participated as volunteers.
The third edition of the Paris Peace Forum was held from 11 to 13 November 2020. Stakeholders from different backgrounds were brought together to discuss global challenges and promote constructive solutions. This year, young Ismaili professionals from the France jurisdiction also participated as volunteers.
The path towards initiating and sustaining one's own business can be a daunting mountain to climb, and often many individuals, even those who possess good business ideas, refrain from treading this path. To harness the spirit of entrepreneurship and promote business ownership within the community, the ‘Business Opportunity Programme’ (BOP) initiative has been launched by the Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) in Pakistan.
Global Encounters is made possible by a large group of dedicated, energetic, and passionate volunteers, many of whom are alumni. Given that there are numerous streams of work that need to be undertaken to run the program, sustain its energy, and ensure excellence for the segments of the communities it serves, we are always looking for individuals to bring expertise, skill, and an unquenchable thirst for impact in the form of sustained voluntary service.
The Partners in Change page allows us to openly advertise positions available within Global Encounters for any individual to apply to - alumni or not. This listing serves as a living document outlining current opportunities for individuals who wish to serve and the applications for those positions. Interested in serving? Apply now!
Over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, many in the Ismaili community, and indeed, the global community, have collectively strived to achieve a sense of optimism towards the future, propelled by the value we place on human connection.