Imamat Day Celebration
On July 10th, at 4:00pm, an Imamat Day Celebration will be held, with Indian dances (garbó and dandia) and with the participation of singers Shaheena and Celina Dhanani, as well the Maiter Choir (in synergy with External Relations, Arts & Culture - ERAC).
Elderly Care invites all the Jamat to participate through Zoom. Access here.
My Golden Events (in synergy with ITREB)
On June 24th, featuring the Key program, in synergy with ITREB, seniors took part in the session dedicated to the theme: "The Caliphate in Medina- the Caliphate of Hazrat Umer and Hazrat Uthman", with speakers: Alwaez Imanali Padania and Alwaeza Riefat Merchant Padania from India.
Active Memory
On June 28th, in the Active Memory program, seniors shared personal experiences that changed the meaning of their lives.
Senior Choir
Senior choir sessions continue taking place every Wednesday, through the Zoom platform.
IT classes
IT classes take place on Saturdays.
English classes
Basic English classes take place every Wednesday and intermediate English on Fridays.
Elderly Gym Class
Seniors (+60) who wish to participate in the mentioned programs can contact the following Elderly Care members:
- Shelina Amad: (Lisbon) 968 385 002
- Salima Sadrudin: (Seixal) 933 080 185
- Farida Nurali: (Oeiras) 960 400 250