Ismaili Centres Archive
The Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board for Pakistan organised a three-day Global Citizenship Conference that highlighted powerful approaches to global issues and sustainable development goals. Forty-nine Girl Guides from Pakistan collaborated to disseminate the concept as well as the relevance of global citizenship and its need in today's world.
After a two-year hiatus, Global Encounters hopes to host in-person residential camps in 2022, to be held in Kenya in June and in India and Pakistan in December.
The second cycle of the Aga Khan Music Awards will be held later this year, to acknowledge the exceptionally creative artists and musicians who have displayed innovation in their craft during the past two world-changing years.
“We’re so pleased that in Plano and all over the world, today is Ismaili CIVIC Day. We are a diverse city, and these kinds of efforts are what make our community so great. We thank you for what you do for the community and for the world, and for Plano.” These were remarks made by John Muns, Mayor of Plano, Texas.
As candidaturas para o Graduate Programme in Islamic Studies and Humanities para 2022 encerram no dia 17 de janeiro de 2022 às 12h00 (meio-dia). Candidate-se via o portal online!
Com a chegada do novo ano, queremos não só adotar melhores hábitos, mas também ajudar os nossos filhos a melhorar os seus hábitos e rotinas. No entanto, o regresso às aulas é sempre uma altura mais desafiante. Podemos ajudar?
Uma sessão do Ibn Hani Speaker Series do ITREB.
An ITREB Ibn Hani Speaker Series Session.
Yeats diz-nos que o mundo está cheio de magia à espera que os nossos sentidos se agucem para a poderem sentir. Pois bem, esta semana temos sugestões perfeitas para exercitar os seus sentidos e ver a magia aparecer a sua volta! Venha daí descobrir as propostas que temos para si.
Yeats tells us that the world is full of magic waiting for our senses to heighten so we can feel it all around us. Well, this week we have the perfect suggestions to exercise your senses and see the magic appear all around you! Come and discover the proposals we have for you.
O novo ano começa com muitos de nós a renovar os seus propósitos, prometendo o cumprimento de atividades que ficaram por realizar, mudanças de comportamento ou decisões que ficaram por tomar. Na verdade, todos nós temos necessidade de ter objetivos e desafios que nos inspirem e que nos façam agir e lutar para alcançá-los.
Conheça e participe nas atividades semanais dos seniores, presenciais e online. Esta semana destacamos a sessão sobre que estilo de vida adotar em era pós-Covid, com a participação da Dra. Fernanda Tavares, a realizar-se no dia 15 de janeiro, via Zoom.
Get to know and take part in seniors’ weekly activities, in person and online. This week we feature the session about what lifestyle to adopt in the post-Covid era, which will take place on January 15th, via Zoom, with the participation of Dr. Fernanda Tavares.
A Fundação Aga Khan Portugal tem vindo a apostar na formação de jovens, para o desenvolvimento de Projetos de Inovação Comunitária (PIC) que respondam a necessidades dos territórios em que vivem, capacitando-os para a ação individual e coletiva.
Businesses can now apply for a financial grant worth up to £6,000 from the £635m support package given to local councils to support those most affected by the Omicron variant of Covid-19.
In our handy guide to tax filing deadlines, we provide an at-a-glance guide to key dates from payment dates for corporation tax instalments to deadlines for amending personal, trustee and partnership tax returns.
HMRC's Fraud Investigation Service has recovered more than £1bn from the proceeds of crime and tax offenders since the formation of a specialist fraud squad five years ago.
Under powers set out in Finance Act 2020, directors of insolvent companies could find themselves liable for accumulated tax debts for up to five years.
On the historic evening of 14 January 1922, as daylight turned to dusk, prayers were recited at the Nairobi Town Jamatkhana for the very first time.
Estão abertas as candidaturas para o ciclo de 2023 do Global Encounters.