Ismaili Centres Archive
In Muslim tradition, Ramadan is a time of heightened commitment to piety and purification through special observances such as fasting, the performance of good deeds – including charitable giving and voluntary service – and through personal sacrifices of material comforts. These observances can lead to spiritual fulfilment and a sense of renewal.
Não restam dúvidas: O Padel tornou-se o desporto mais adorado dos últimos tempos no Mundo. A prova disso? Há cada vez mais jogadores, adeptos e torneios.
CLOTHES, SHOES, HANDBAGS, MAKE UP, MEDICATION, MAIL, RECEIPTS, MAGAZINES, GUILT, JEALOUSY, ANGER. What do you hang on to? Your closet is full, your mind is full, your drawers are full, and your brain is in chaos.
Ramadan is a special month to show, in a different way, our Love for Allah. So, what is Allah and what is Love? While many definitions and even poetry can be used, below we can find a small reflection.
When he wasn’t speaking the parents of two-year-old Danyal brought their son to the Aga Khan Hospital, Dar es Salaam for a check-up and found that he had severe hearing loss.
Men often ignore health issues and tend to be less likely than women to seek out health information. Yet an unhealthy lifestyle based on poor health choices can result in chronic disease – and have a direct impact on their absenteeism and productivity at work.
Faheem Chunara shared a picture of himself on Christmas Day, 2021, in French Guiana on the northeast coast of South America. He and a team of over 200 professionals worldwide prepared for the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) – the world’s largest and most complex space science observatory.
This webinar provides insight into substance abuse and addiction through the lens of neuroscience and faith.
An Iftar dinner was hosted at the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon, earlier this week, attended by President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Princess Zahra, and Prince Hussain. Representatives of fellow faith communities, diplomats, and government officials were invited to break the fast alongside leaders of the Jamat and the Aga Khan Development Network.
O Laylat al-Qadr, ou a Noite do Poder, celebra um dos acontecimentos mais significativos da história do Islão. É a noite em que o Profeta Muhammad (que a paz esteja com Ele e com a Sua família) recebeu a primeira revelação de Allah.
Sports activities for the Jamat at INATEL continue taking place every Sunday, from 10:00am to 01:00pm. Make a note of the activities available for you and your family, such as football for adults or youth.
A University of Central Asia (UCA) encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de Diretor do departamento de “Advancement and Public Affairs”. Envie a sua candidatura até 24 de abril de 2022.
A Central Scholarships Unit encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de “Finance Officer”. Envie a sua candidatura até 24 de abril de 2022.
Encontra-se aberto o recrutamento para bolsa de reserva de “Cuidadores Domiciliários”. Envie a sua candidatura até 15 de maio de 2022.
As transições educativas fazem parte da vida de qualquer criança ou adolescente e estão relacionadas com a passagem de uma fronteira, de um contexto conhecido para outro, o que pode trazer consigo receios, curiosidades, entusiasmo ou preocupações.
Depois de dois anos, o Salão de Exposições volta a abrir as suas portas! E começamos da melhor forma possível, com uma das nossas artistas: Gulnar Sacoor. Venha daí saber todos os detalhes.
After two years, the Exhibition Hall opens its doors again! And we kick the season off in the best way possible, with one of our own artists: Gulnar Sacoor. Come and find out all the details.
No seguimento da celebração do Protocolo de excelência entre o Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKPB), a ADEE e a Escola Superior de Atividades Imobiliárias (ESAI), partilhamos os benefícios especiais para um novo ciclo de estudos.
Conheça e participe nas atividades semanais dos seniores: presenciais e online. Contacte os membros do Elderly Care!
Get to know and participate in seniors’ weekly activities: in person and online. Contact the Elderly Care members now!