Ismaili Centres Archive
No passado dia 4 de maio, 73 alunos do 9º ano do Agrupamento de Escolas Manuel da Maia do Vale de Alcântara apresentaram 13 Projetos de Inovação Comunitária (PICs) ao painel de jurados, constituído por representantes da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) / Unidade de Desenvolvimento e Intervenção de Proximidade (UDIP) das Descobertas, da Junta de Freguesia de Campo de Ourique, da Fundação Aga Khan Portugal (AKF Prt) e por um representante dos alunos (Igor, 8º ano).
The Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) is delighted to announce the launch of the new IIS website, which benefits from a complete redesign and the addition of several exciting new features.
As part of the one percent of the population who stammer (stutter), I know first-hand the challenges that come with having one. I remember the feeling of dread when being asked my name or if I had to speak on the telephone. Ever since I was young, I’ve been on a journey to find the courage to face my speaking fears.
“I volunteer because it is a chance to be part of something bigger than myself,” says Roza Amanbekova, a senior Communications and Media student from the University of Central Asia (UCA). “It is discovering the world and making it better.”
Official data reveals that only 153,241 trust registrations have been received since HMRC’s Trustee Registration Service began in June 2017.
The UK saw 2,114 company insolvencies in March 2022 which is a 39% increase from February.
The government is trialling an online tool to give users easier access to information about grants and how to access funding on schemes from workplace charging to R&D innovation.
A public sector fraud taskforce that features an ‘elite team of experts’ has been launched by the Chancellor.
Over half of UK SMEs predict that they will see no growth over the next 12 months due to rising costs and the supply chain disruption.
HMRC has launched a one-stop-shop that has compiled together multiple areas of financial support available to taxpayers that could help them with living costs.
Opting for non-dom status brings tax advantages but what are the implications for mixed domicile marriages where one partner is liable for UK tax?
The volume of retail sales in the UK dropped by 1.4% in March which is the second consecutive monthly decline with the blame placed on rising inflation.
President Joe Biden hosted an Eid al-Fitr celebration at the White House on Monday, May 2nd, 2022.
É com muito entusiamo que as Instituições Jamati, alinhadas com todas as jurisdições a nível mundial, lançam a nova plataforma - Ismaili Institutions Portugal (IIPortugal).
It is with great enthusiasm that the Jamati Institutions, in line with all jurisdictions worldwide, launch the new platform - Ismaili Institutions Portugal (II Portugal).
O Aga Khan Education Service, Tanzânia, encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de “Chief Financial Officer”. Envie a sua candidatura até 10 de maio de 2022.
No período pré-pandemia, as famílias viviam numa verdadeira azáfama, em que o tempo não parecia chegar. As crianças com horários completos, entre escola, Dar-at-Ta’lim, explicações, atividades extracurriculares e atividades sociais. Os pais num rodopio constante tentando chegar a todo o lado, entre vida profissional, trabalho em casa, vida pessoal e social, parecendo que as 24 horas do dia não eram suficientes. Com a pandemia, tudo mudou.
Está aberta mais uma fase de candidaturas ao Programa Porta 65 - Jovem, que tem como objetivo apoiar o arrendamento de habitações para residência, atribuindo uma percentagem do valor da renda como subvenção mensal.
No passado dia 28 de abril, o Elderly Care, em sinergia com o ITREB e no âmbito do Projeto Key, celebrou o “Ramadan Special Iftar Dinner” no Centro Ismaili.