Content Tagged with Community

A volunteer delivers a care package to a family as part of the partnership programme between Ismaili CIVIC and Yayasan Chow Kit in Malaysia.

Sixty Kuala Lumpur families in need were recently provided with much-needed care packages thanks to the Ismaili community in Malaysia working in partnership with Yayasan Chow Kit (YCK), a 24-hour crisis and drop-in centre.

It’s likely we all know someone who has unfortunately shared inaccurate information on social media, or on a WhatsApp group.

We are living in a different world compared to just three months ago. Critical parts of our lives have been uprooted and turned upside down, which has led to a further spiral of worry and stress. We want to be helpful, so we tend to share information that comforts and reassures us - however, this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s accurate, and in fact, it often contributes to the growing uncertainty.

The children’s choir, led by the technical director Mr Najy Hammoud, presented traditional songs with composure and professionalism.

In January this year, the Ismaili Council for Syria presided over a talent performance of Jubilee Arts artists in Damascus, attracting over 800 people, including leaders and members of the Jamat and guests.

Whether competing at international talent shows, conducting orchestras, or organising music festivals, a number of young Ismailis continue to inspire others through music.

Music has always been an integral part of the cultural fabric of Muslim societies. From Fatimid Cairo to the Iberian Peninsula, music has long brought people together, fostering a sense of identity and community. Around the world, young Ismaili musicians are continuing this rich tradition.

Une vidéo de remerciement des jeunes de la juridiction de France à tous les professionnels de santé du monde entier. A thank you video from the Jamat in France to all healthcare workers around the world. Merci, Thank You, Shukran, Grazie, Danke, Gracias, Shukriya, Spaciba, Obrigado, Tashakur, Aabhar, Misaotra.

Ms Harue Oki, an art enthusiast and instructor, provided the audience an insight into the art of Ikebana.

The Japanese consulate and the Ismaili Centre, Dubai, recently partnered to feature the art of ‘Ikebana,’ which took participants on a journey of culture, art, time, and nature, reminding us to look within to find calm and peace.

At AKYSB’s The Dance Studio with Shaimak Dawar, participants groove to a variety of dance forms including freestyle and hip-hop. The Dance Studio is one amongst many attempts to make high-quality Art Education accessible to the India Jamat.

Since early 2016, the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board (AKYSB) in India has been working to promote the arts among young members of the Jamat through the development of a dedicated Arts and Culture portfolio. Curated by winners from the National Jubilee Arts event, AKYSB’s programmes in dance, music, and photography are nurturing an engagement with art and culture at an early age.

Many educational institutions have transitioned from in-person to online learning, which requires students to adapt to a new learning environment.

In response to the global Covid-19 pandemic, many educational institutions have transitioned from in-person to online learning. For students who are used to classroom settings, a different learning setting can pose new challenges, especially when trying to remain productive and motivated. Here are some strategies to adapt to an online learning environment.

Experience the richness and diversity of the Far East countries — the institutional leadership and community wishes everyone globally Navroz Mubarak.

Navroz Mubarak from the global Jamat! While we are practicing physical distancing, remain connected to each other and celebrate the new year together with these video messages from all over the world.

The logo designed for the Adopt a Senior initiative depicts a carer helping a senior citizen, housed inside a bubble of safety.

The Ismaili is pleased to launch the Adopt a Senior initiative, a way for members of the Jamat to be matched with senior citizens who could benefit from support and assistance during this time of isolation and uncertainty.

As Ismailis, we have always cared for one another in times of need. As Canadian Journalist Farah Nasser says, by practicing self-isolation and social distancing at this time, we are helping to curb the spread of the virus, and in the process, safeguarding the most vulnerable among us.

Uncertain times present an opportunity to come together and face challenges with a sense of hope and resolve as One Jamat.

Ces derniers jours, la pandémie mondiale du Covid-19 a concentré toute l’attention médiatique, l’activité des réseaux sociaux ainsi que l’information générale. Bien que la menace du coronavirus soit sérieuse, il n’en demeure pas moins important de prendre du recul et de garder espoir.

Uncertain times present an opportunity to come together and face challenges with a sense of hope and resolve as One Jamat.

In recent days, the global Covid-19 pandemic has taken up the majority of news coverage, social media activity, and general communication. The threat of coronavirus is serious, though it’s important to retain some perspective and remain hopeful.

Natasha Karim was tired of being Muslim. After hearing news of the 2015 Paris terrorist attacks in which 130 people died as a result of mass shootings at restaurants and a concert, she began to wish her own roots were different.

On the occasion of International Women's Day, we celebrate the work of the Ismailia Helping Society (IHS) in India. Established in 1936, under the guidance of Mawlana Sultan Mahomed Shah, IHS was established to promote the economic advancement of women in the Jamat. Over 80 years later, IHS continues to empower women who leverage their traditional skills in art, crafts, and beadwork to create lifestyle products.

International Women’s Day, celebrated around the world on the 8th of March, is dedicated to honouring women of substance and their achievements in the social, economic, cultural and political arenas. It is also a day to bring awareness to gender parity and women’s rights, regardless of one’s race, religion and culture.

Group work during the session

In the Ismaili tradition service is a way of life which is faith driven.  Volunteers are pillars of the community and strive to deliver excellence in service with humility, integrity and compassion. Not only are they dedicated but they find ways to improve what they already know to better serve the Jamat. As such, The Human Resources Portfolio launched a proactive initiative called The Volunteer Skill Development Program which took place on February 22nd, 23rd, 29th  and March 1st  2020  in Maputo, Mozambique.

Alberta’s Ismaili athletes celebrated this year’s Family Day by coming together for Sportsfest North 2020 in Edmonton.