A shared passion for film, music and most importantly cricket brought two teams together early Sunday morning. When India and Pakistan don the cricket flannels, hopes and aspirations run high on both sides.
Myra Nur Lakdawala earned the first gold medal of the 2016 Jubilee Games, when she won the women’s 1500 m race on Sunday. She holds the Pakistan national record in the 3000 m race and is no stranger to being in the lead.
Prince Rahim’s presence at some of Day 2’s matches added to the intensity felt by athletes playing at the Jubilee Games. He watched several contests, including the women’s volleyball match between Canada and Tajikistan, which Tajikistan won 25-21, 25-17.
Prince Rahim attended the Jubilee Games on 23 July where he met with athletes, volunteers and spectators. He took in a number of sports matches and had a chance to tour the Global Village.
Day 3 of competition featured the first gold medal of the Jubilee Games and it was Team Pakistan who won the honour.
The 2016 Jubilee Games opened on Friday morning with matches that had spectators on the edge of their seats.
Excitement is building as over 2 000 athletes, 2 400 volunteers and 11 000 spectators from around the world have arrived in Dubai for the 2016 Jubilee Games.
The Jubilee Games Fanous was celebrated across all seven regions of the United States, where the American Jamat resides.
Excitement is building as over 2 000 athletes, 2 400 volunteers and 11 000 spectators from around the world have arrived in Dubai for the 2016 Jubilee Games.
With the 2016 Jubilee Games just a few days away, Team Pakistan’s practice sessions are well underway in Karachi, the city of lights. Supported by first-class coaches and experienced managers, the athletes are putting in their best effort to be fit and ready for Dubai.
Ismailis across Canada were brought together by the Jubilee Games Fanous, and in a few day’s time over 330 athletes and coaching staff from Canada will take in its glow in Dubai together with their brothers and sisters from around the world.
The Team United Kingdom Jubilee Games Fanous has been on an epic journey across the continent, visiting jamats in Northwest London, Manchester, North London, Reading, East London, Leeds, Nottingham, South London, Sheffield, West London and Milton Keynes.