Many of our alumni and young members of the jamat around the world are in positions where they are applying for post-secondary positions or new careers. Given that this is a critical area where we can provide support, our Alumni Association has made it a priority to provide resources to all members of the jamat who are either post-secondary applicants or new career entrants, to conduct workshops and other events on various academic and professional development topics, and to connect aspiring mentees to mentors who can guide them through navigating these important life-defining periods. 

While our activities span across a range of areas, here, you will find resources that can help you in areas such as understanding yourself and your strengths and weaknesses; writing personal statements, cover letters, and CVs; preparing for interviews; finding institutions that align with your interest; and connecting with mentors in an easy, accessible, and tailored way.

We recognize that personal searching online can be challenging and know that there is a need for one-on-one support; if you find yourself in this position please feel free to ask for advice from mentors in Kin Connections, Lunch Club, or the Ismaili Professional Network - all linked below. If you have any further needs despite using these resources, our Alumni Association is always available to help. Just contact us using the link above and we will get in touch to help you take the next steps forward.


Understand Personal Strengths & Skills

VIA Signature Strengths Test


Applying to College, Khan Academy

Types of Essays

Examples of College Admission Essays

Video Interview Prep

Kira Best Practices & Prep

Ace your interview by answering questions using the CAR/STAR Technique

College-Fit (for US Colleges)
Find US Colleges that fit your specifications

International University Rankings
The Times Higher Education Rankings:!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats

Resources for Professional Development

How to write a CV
Best Practices

How to write a Cover Letter
Best Practices

Looking for a mentor?

Ismaili Professional Network

Connect with Ismailis from different professions (Kin Connections) – Coming Soon!