Ismaili Centres Archive
Au cours de l’année, les élèves du secondaire du Bait-ul Ilm d'Antananarivo à Madagascar ont donné naissance à un projet intitulé Green STEP, en collaboration avec diverses organisations de la société civile, afin d’améliorer leur environnement physique et social.
Last month, the Quebec Secondary Bait-ul Ilm team, in partnership with Ismaili CIVIC, organised its first ever Ismaili CIVIC Youth day. Secondary students between the ages of 12 and 18 from Brossard, Laval, Montreal, and Sherbrooke gathered, rolled up their sleeves, and actively contributed to their communities, serving both the natural and social environments in which they live.
Assista em direto ao evento que terá lugar no Centro Ismaili de Lisboa, na sexta-feira, dia 28 de junho, para saber mais acerca do trabalho da Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH), e os seus esforços no sentido de melhorar os habitats e recursos das comunidades. Este evento contará com a presença do Onno Ruhl que apresentará casos reais, demonstrando o trabalho desenvolvido por esta agência. O evento terá início às 20h45 UTC+1 e será transmitido em direto em
During the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world break their daily fast with Iftar, an evening meal observed at sunset. On May 16, 2019, Mayor of Toronto John Tory met guests at the Ismaili Centre, Toronto to enjoy and connect through Iftar festivities.
They say “Nothing connects to the heart better than Homemade Food“ and Women’s Activity Portfolio (WAP) team did exactly that with their initiative called “Pait Puja”. A Program that provides home makers a platform to do what they do best i.e. Make some delicious home cooked food and be able to sell it too.
A year ago today, on 26 June 2018, the Aga Khan Centre was inaugurated by Mawlana Hazar Imam and HRH The Prince of Wales at a special ceremony in London’s thriving Knowledge Quarter. Over the past year, the design features of the building and its gardens, as well as its programme of activities, have come to represent the principles of openness, dialogue, and pluralism.
Join us from the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon, on Friday 28 June to learn about the work of the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH), and its efforts to improve the habitat and resilience of communities in South and Central Asia. Mr Onno Ruhl’s presentation will focus on the strategy and approach of AKAH with real life case studies, providing a glimpse into the agency’s work in action. The event is expected to begin at 8:45 PM UTC+1 and will be webcast at
The.Ismaili is pleased to publish an interview with Abyd Karmali, OBE, Managing Director and Climate Financing Executive at a multinational financial institution, and Vice Chair of the Aga Khan Foundation (UK) National Committee. Abyd discusses his perspective on the interaction between humankind and nature, and the implications of climate change in today’s rapidly changing world.
“One of the energizing forces that makes a quality civil society possible, of course, is the readiness of its citizens to contribute their talents and energies to the social good. What is required is a profound spirit of voluntary service, a principle cherished in Shia Ismaili culture.” -Mawlana Hazar Imam, Brown University in 2014.
The Embassy of Bangladesh, Abu Dhabi and the Consulate General of Bangladesh, Dubai hosted a cultural evening in partnership with the Ismaili Community at the Ismaili Centre, Dubai on April 21, 2019.
Fête de la Musique, also known as World Music Day, is celebrated on 21 June every year. On this day, musicians around the world are urged to play and listen to music outdoors in their neighbourhoods, or in gardens, parks, and public spaces. In the lead-up to the occasion earlier this month, thousands of people gathered to celebrate Eid ul-Fitr at the London Eid Festival 2019 in Trafalgar Square, where they were treated to a special performance by the UK Jamat’s Ismaili Community Ensemble.
In a speech made in Ottawa in 2013, Mawlana Hazar Imam stated that Muslims have a “responsibility and obligation, as good stewards of God’s creation, to leave the world in a better condition than we found it."
Wellbeing impacts not just our personal comfort, health, and happiness; but also our work and working environment in a variety of ways. In fact, when levels of wellbeing in organisations increase; turnover, absenteeism, and presenteeism - showing up to work but not being productive - rates decrease significantly.
Since 2016, dozens of volunteers have collaborated with the Aga Khan Education Board in India on the design and delivery of its flagship mentoring programme, Reach for the Stars (RFS). Launched in collaboration with the Ismaili Council for India, RFS was designed as a long-term programme for high-potential students between the ages of 18 to 25 years.
As long ago as 1835, French historian Alexis de Tocqueville visited the United States and recognized a unique characteristic, namely, the role played by voluntary private associations in social, political, and economic life. He suggested this freedom to associate was the “mother science” which illustrated how other societal problems might be resolved. Today, the United States Jamat is continuing a long tradition of volunteering for the public good.
Summer sunshine warmed the crowds that lined up outside the Aga Khan Museum and Ismaili Centre Toronto for Doors Open.
No passado dia 1 de junho, Dia Mundial da Criança, o DAT participou no projeto intitulado “Canto pela Paz”, organizado pelos Pequenos Cantores da Paróquia de Nova Oeiras.
The Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board for Pakistan (AKYSB,P) has launched its first Football Club in Pakistan. Since 2018, sports such as cycling, volleyball, winter sports and blind cricket are amongst the various clubs that have been initiated by AKYSB,P. The objective of initiating the various sports clubs was to give a platform to the talented youth of the Jamat in professional sports and to help them excel at the national and international level.