Ismaili Centres Archive
It is not every day that a man over 100 years of age survives COVID-19, but that is exactly what happened to Aziz Abdul Alim, a 103-year old man from Upper Chitral, the remote mountainous region of Upper Chitral in Northern Pakistan.
World Hepatitis Day is observed on July 28 every year and aims to raise global awareness of hepatitis — a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E — and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
A young Ismaili woman with a passion works as a Legislative Assistant in Congress.
This year’s results days will take place on Thursday 13 August (A level) and Thursday 20 August (GCSE). Results days will feel unusual as students did not sit their exams and instead will receive a Centre Assessed Grade (CAG), which schools and colleges submitted to the exam boards to help determine the final calculated grade.
After 12 weeks the ECD@home is on summer break. But that does not mean that it will stop – just giving students what they need: a well-deserved summer break after an intensive and very challenging school year.
A Chicago physician relies on science as well as prayer in caring for patients.
According to the American Psychiatric Association, 36 per cent of Americans say coronavirus is having a serious impact on their mental health. This means that in every group of three friends, at least one could be at risk of developing a mental health condition.
On 11 July 2007, our worldwide Jamat witnessed for the first time Mawlana Hazar Imam’s live Golden Jubilee homage ceremony, when the Aiglemont media team telecasted this historic event globally. Karim Dossani was in Los Angeles at that time directing the local celebration event - a mere ensemble of five cameras and a skeletal crew of fifteen - his first major TKN assignment. “Why am I here and not there,” whispered a voice fleetingly from his heart to his mind.
With an innovative approach to healing pain, Shawn Lopez from Los Angeles is inspiring seniors to engage with mobility and mindfulness.
With the onset of the pandemic, many of us have found ourselves locked-in at home, without any access to the fresh green spaces that are so vital for our peace of mind. But it needn’t always be this way. Sahil Valani and Neha Somani, share ideas on how you can transform your home into an urban oasis.
Artigo de Susana Alves, mediadora cultural.
A Escola 42, de origem francesa, conhecida pela sua inovação na abordagem gamificada adaptada para melhorar a aprendizagem dos alunos, deve chegar a Lisboa em fevereiro de 2021.
The French originated Escola 42, known for its innovation in the gamified approach adapted to improve student learning, is expected to arrive in Lisbon in February 2021.
Como falámos numa edição anterior, estão a surgir no mercado plataformas que lhe permitem assistir a espetáculos em direto, como se estivesse lá, no conforto e segurança do seu lar.
Conheça as atividades online que o Elderly Care tem vindo a realizar para os seniores.
Get to know the online activities Elderly Care has been organizing for seniors.
O “novo normal”, em que devemos passar mais tempo resguardados em casa, não é desculpa para uma alimentação menos cuidada. Mas será que sabe o que deve contemplar na sua lista de supermercado?
The “new normal”, in which we should spend more time guarded at home, is no excuse for a less careful diet. But do you know what to include on your grocery list?
Esta semana, junto con nuestras hermanas y hermanos musulmanes, conmemoramos Eid al-Adha, la fiesta del Sacrificio. La ocasión recuerda el espíritu monoteísta en el corazón de las tradiciones abrahámicas del judaísmo, el cristianismo y el islam.