Ismaili Centres Archive
The Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board for Pakistan organised a transformational nine-day virtual camporee for Junior and Girl Guides. Around 602 Guides from seven different countries including Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, UAE, Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique participated in the camporee which focused on exploring models of advocacy, social entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability. The camp was divided into two groups including Junior Guides aged six to 11 and Girl Guides aged 11 to 16. The first virtual camporee was held in December 2020.
The Aga Khan Foundation on Tuesday provided medical-surgical and laboratory equipment to combat Covid-19 in Cabo Delgado province, northern Mozambique, valued at about three million meticais (€40,000), funded by the government of Canada.
Women's activities for Mozambique took the initiative and arranged a group on WhatsApp "WA challenges" for the ladies of the nationwide Jamat to motivate them towards a healthy lifestyle and have some me-time.
More than 200 ladies from Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda participated and benefited from these challenges. The winners from Mozambique are as follows:
Reshma Gangani
Sapna Popatia.
High school student Aimaan Sayani has lived in Pakistan and Canada, and spent five years studying at the Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa, Kenya. “When I used to hear Aga Khan Academies students talk about studying there, and when I read about the school, I was so intrigued,” she said.
O ITREB Portugal procura reforçar a sua estrutura de voluntários com a admissão de professores, para integrarem as turmas da Primária Inferior (idades entre 6-8 anos) e Primária Superior (idades entre 9-11 anos).
ITREB Portugal is looking to reinforce its volunteer structure with new Primary Teachers, to be part of Lower Primary (6-8 years old) and Upper Primary (9-11 years old) classes.
A AKDN encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de “Management & Programme Liaison Officer”, para as suas instalações em Kabul, Afeganistão. Envie a sua candidatura até 7 de agosto.
No seguimento do anúncio do Presidente do Nacional Council, no passado dia 11 de julho, sobre a vinda para Portugal de membros do Jamat da Grécia, que vivem em condições bastante desfavorecidas, o Youth & Sports criou o “Buddy Program”, destinado à integração e acompanhamento dos membros mais jovens desse Jamat, durante o seu primeiro ano de adaptação em Portugal.
Following the announcement made by the President of the National Council, on July 11th, about the arrival to Portugal of Jamati members from Greece, who live in very disadvantaged conditions, Youth & Sports launched the “Buddy Program”, designed to help the the younger members of that Jamat to feel safe and integrated during their first year in Portugal.
A AKDN encontra-se a recrutar para a posição de “Management & Programme Liaison Officer”, para as suas instalações em Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzânia. Envie a sua candidatura até 14 de agosto.
In an increasingly connected world, and taking our global Jamat as an example, we are pressured into learning new languages so that we can participate in global events or develop relationships and friendships that cross borders. Don’t hesitate, take the challenge! See some testemonies.
Se tens entre 18 e 29 anos, não estás a trabalhar nem a estudar e vives em Sintra, então vem desenvolver as tuas competências digitais!
Tens entre 12 e 16 anos de idade e gostavas de ser fluente na língua inglesa? Então este programa é para ti!
You may have heard on the news recently that inflation has risen in the UK, US and many other countries around the world.
Annual income tax paid by the British public has doubled over the last 20 years paying £93bn in 1999 to 2000 rising to £187bn in 2018 to 2019.
130 countries from across the world have agreed to accept a global minimum corporation tax rate of 15% to draw a line under tax avoidance by multinational companies.
The cost of additional staff turnover could amount to a £16.9bn toll on business in the UK and Ireland as four out of ten employees are looking to change jobs in the next 12 months.