Ismaili Centres Archive
The cost of climate change is often measured in terms of property damage and lost crops, but this doesn’t provide a complete picture of the impact it causes. A crucial consequence of climate change is the cost to human health – the damage to and loss of human lives from a wide range of environmental risks.
Este verão dê asas à sua imaginação!
Papel e caneta, máquina fotográfica ou pincéis. Seja o que for, deixe a sua inspiração falar mais alto!
Conheça as principais razões para aprender inglês e que levaram à criação do English4All, um projeto do Aga Khan Education Board (AKEB)
In his speech at the Inauguration ceremony of the Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa, Hazar Imam spoke about the power and influence that younger generations have in shaping their communities and societies as they progress through their education.
“It is my hope that it will be members of this new generation who, driven by their own wide knowledge and inspiration, will change their societies; that they will gradually replace many of the external forces that appear, and sometimes seek, to control our destinies,” Hazar Imam said.
Today’s complex global challenges will likely have a disproportionate impact on our youth. Through education, innovation, and entrepreneurial solutions, this year’s International Youth Day offers young people a platform to build momentum towards meaningful positive change.
Dedicated and committed volunteer Amir Kassam has served AKDN and Jamati institutions for over 40 years. During the late 1970s, Amir assisted the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) UK National Committee in its project evaluation work. More recently, he has focused on sharing his extensive knowledge of agricultural development with AKF Geneva and AKF field units in Mozambique, Syria, India, Tanzania, Madagascar and Tajikistan, and with AKDN rural support programmes in Africa and Asia.
Please read these information sheets for expectant women.
COVID-19 vaccination for all women of childbearing age, those currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
What You Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccinations & Variants - An AKDN Resource