Ismaili Centres Archive
On the 5th June 2022, Ismaili CIVIC organized a blood donation drive in 8 cities across Mozambique.
The Ismaili Pakistan is pleased to present a compilation of Photographs, Artworks and Creative Writing samples of winners and runner-up of AKS – National Arts Competition.
Dilshad Ladhani, Dr Nasir Jaffer and Dr Alim Punja generously contributed their time and expertise recently at the Aga Khan Health Service,Pakistan’s (AKHS,P) health facilities in Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) and Chitral. These dedicated TKN volunteers came at a time when AKHS,P is significantly expanding its footprint in GB and Chitral. New wings recently opened at the medical centres in Gilgit and Booni that include additional specialties and facilities. Diagnostic centers have started services in both regions and construction of a purpose built, modern facility to house the Aga Khan Health Centre,Aliabad, is in process. These are indeed exciting times for AKHS,P.
O Aga Khan Economic Planning Board e a ADEE agradecem a presença e contributo de todos os oradores, parceiros e acima de tudo, a si que esteve presente neste evento!
Andámos à caça de propostas imbatíveis para si e para a sua família e encontrámos alguns tesouros que queremos partilhar consigo. Venha daí saber o que andamos a descobrir!
We've been looking for unbeatable offers for you and your family and we've found some treasures that we want to share with you. Come and see what we've been discovering!
É com muito prazer que o Youth & Sports em parceria com a escola Gota Dagua Surf irá realizar uma atividade nas férias de Verão de 18 a 20 de Julho das 9h às 14,30h.
AKS is one of the many initiatives launched as a part of Ismaili CIVIC Pakistan in the first year of its execution that centralises the environment as a core theme for this year. AKS, a national art competition, encourages youth across Pakistan to articulate their relationship with nature and their ideas for environmental sustainability using diverse artistic expressions.
مهرجان أيام سلمية الثقافية؛ فرصةٌ لمشاركة عمل المجلس الوطني لسورية وإبداع الجماعات من كل أنحاء الدولة مع العالم، من الجوانب الرياضية والموسيقية والثقافية، حيث امتدّ على مدار أربعة أيام، وشمل معارضاً للكتب والزهور، وعروضاً فنية لبرنامج فنون اليوبيل وأنشطةً رياضيةً، والعديد من الفعاليات الأخرى التي استمتع بها الجمهور.
Elders of communities in the Tian-Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan recall stories of the Great Urkun in 1916 when Kyrgyz locals fled their homes during a Tsarist invasion. Desperate to save their families, some parents tied their children to horses. These horses brought the children to safety, carrying them across mountains alone for days.
In 7th century Arabia, the military general Malik al-Ashtar received a letter from Hazrat Ali. In the letter, Hazrat Ali appointed al-Ashar to be the governor of Egypt, and advised him how to treat the land and its people with fairness and justice.
Estamos sempre preocupados com o outro, seja ele nosso neto, filho, irmão ou um amigo. Estamos sempre dispostos a ouvir e ajudar quem amamos, sempre que eles precisam de nós, mas, muitas vezes, esquecemo-nos de cuidar de alguém muito importante: nós próprios. Isso é autocuidado!
Conheça e participe nas atividades semanais dos seniores: presenciais e online. Contacte os membros do Elderly Care!
Get to know and participate in seniors’ weekly activities: in person and online. Contact the Elderly Care members now!
O Youth & Sports acedeu a um convite para participação nas atividades desportivas promovidas pela Fundação INATEL, no seu complexo desportivo na Av. Rio de Janeiro, no dia 4 de Junho de 2022, destinadas aos agregados familiares, com animação para crianças, sendo instalados vários equipamentos para animação infantil, nomeadamente insufláveis e outros pontos de animação.
The Youth & Sports portfolio has been invited to join the activities sponsored by the INATEL Foundation in its sports complex at, Avenida Rio de Janeiro, next 4th of June 2022, for all the family, in which animation for children where will be available, namely inflatables for child´s play and other entertainment equipment.
O Youth & Sports, em sinergia com a Funtoche, empresa que se dedica a atividades infantis, vem por este meio convidar pais e filhos a juntarem-se a uma celebração alusiva ao Dia da Criança, a realizar-se no dia 5 de junho, domingo, das 11h00 às 13h00 na INATEL.
The Youth & Sports portfolio, in synergy with Funtoche, a company dedicated to children's activities, hereby invites parents and children to come together and celebrate Children's Day, on June 5th, Sunday, from 11:00am to 1:00pm at INATEL.
The Funtoche Company is dedicated to making special dates magical. With the right animation and a team of young and dynamic professionals, they make fun and memorable moments.