Ismaili Centres Archive
HMRC officers are using new powers to target till fraud carrying out spot checks on businesses which suppress takings to avoid tax.
The UK has dropped to 21st place from its previous position at sixth due to the increase in corporation tax to 25% in April 2023.
A former IBM executive’s new book encourages women to harness their power to propel them to success.
Meet Saba Akbar an esteemed academic, multiple scholarship awardee, and professional nurse from Sydney Jamat.
In May 2020, while the world was in lockdown, The Ismaili TV hosted a virtual Shukrana Concert to commemorate Eid ul-Fitr. To prepare, the organising team issued a call out for song submissions, hoping for a few hours worth of content. The response was overwhelming. A new platform was soon created to showcase the musical talent of the Jamat – and thus, two years ago this week, The Ismaili Sounds was born.
Access to English language learning opportunities in Afghanistan has long been uneven and limited, especially in the most remote areas. Yet, proficiency in English is essentially important to compete for the highest quality education and the best employment opportunities. A new language programme, developed in Canada, is helping to increase high-quality access at an exponential rate.
Just as the world was beginning to come out of havoc caused by the pandemic and businesses were getting back to normalcy, some uncertainties have risen up again leading us to an uncertain economic environment.
Vai abrir em Lisboa, brevemente, a primeira School of Rock do País! Um ambiente inspirador e motivador, com foco no individual e, ao mesmo tempo, muito trabalho de equipa. No fim da aprendizagem, uma performance ao vivo! Vem daí saber o que te reserva uma experiência na mítica School of Rock.
The first School of Rock in the country is opening soon in Lisbon! An inspiring and motivating environment with a focus on the individual and, at the same time, a lot of team work. At the end of the learning, a live performance! Come and find out what an experience at the mythical School of Rock has in store for you.
A dança é uma atividade física que consiste em realizar uma série de passos coordenados, ou não, seguindo um ritmo musical, sendo por isso muito fácil de praticar, independentemente da idade, agilidade ou tipo de corpo. Para além disso, exercita a mente e a capacidade motora, trabalhando o corpo como um todo.
Conheça e participe nas atividades semanais dos seniores: presenciais e online. Contacte os membros do Elderly Care!
Get to know and participate in seniors’ weekly activities: in person and online. Contact the Elderly Care members now!
On the occasion of the 2022 United Nations (UN) Ocean Conference, in Lisbon, Portugal, two different venues will present the photographic plea of Prince Hussain Aga Khan in favour of the preservation of our oceans: the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon (June 21 - July 27, 2022) and the Pavilhão de Portugal (June 27 - July 1, 2022) - ONE SUSTAINABLE OCEAN, an official side event accredited by the United Nations Ocean Conference.
Por ocasião da Conferência dos Oceanos da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) 2022, em Lisboa, o apelo fotográfico do Príncipe Hussain Aga Khan, a favor da preservação dos nossos oceanos, será apresentado em dois locais: no Centro Ismaili, Lisboa (21 de junho - 27 de julho de 2022) e no Pavilhão de Portugal (27 de junho - 1 de julho de 2022) - UM OCEANO SUSTENTÁVEL, um evento oficial paralelo acreditado pela Conferência da ONU.
Good news for the students looking to completing studies online from well-known and reputed Indian Universities in various fields from management, computer science, commerce, arts, Humanities, social science and others.
The Ismaili Muslim Students Association (IMSA) at The University of Texas at Austin was presented with the Outstanding Student Organization Award at its annual Tower Awards/ The award, presented in May 2022, recognized its contribution toward civic engagement efforts and inspiring actions in the community.
Sunni and Shia Muslims share many central beliefs, including a belief in the Oneness of Allah (tawhid), and that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) was the final Messenger of Allah, who received Divine revelations recorded in the Holy Qur’an.