Ismaili Centres Archive
According to the United Nations (UN), climate change poses a threat to virtually every aspect of life on Earth, from human health and livelihoods to ecosystems and infrastructure. The fact that there has been a substantial increase in severe heatwaves, droughts and wildfires over the past few years is a testament to the urgency of the climate crisis we are amidst. International forums have started to stress on the desperate need for global action to address the impact of climate change and promote sustainable practices. Mawlana Hazar Imam has also been a vocal advocate for environmental sustainability, stating, “The consequences of climate change, if unchecked, will be catastrophic for all humanity and for the natural world we rely on.”
Prince Hussain and Princess Fareen visited Toronto and Waterloo this week as part of the multi-city Canadian debut of The Living Sea – Fragile Beauty — an exhibition featuring Prince Hussain’s captivating underwater photography with the goal of raising awareness of the critical need to preserve and protect our fragile marine ecosystems.
Preparados para uma aventura literária? A Feira do Livro de Lisboa começa já no dia 25 de maio, quinta-feira!
Ready for a literary adventure? The Lisbon Book Fair starts on May 25th, Thursday!
No âmbito do programa My Golden Events foi realizada uma sessão online, qual foram partilhadas pequenas historias com o objetivo de atenuar o sofrimento do outro e de praticar o bem.
Face aos desafios impostos com as alterações climáticas, existe uma cada vez maior consciência ecológica na redução e mitigação da pegada de carbono. Muitas comunidades, governos, autarquias e empresas têm vindo a incentivar o uso da bicicleta, e a demonstrar os benefícios na escolha deste meio de transporte.
De 1 a 6 de Agosto terá lugar em Lisboa a Jornada Mundial da Juventude (JMJ): um grande encontro de jovens de todo o mundo com o Papa Francisco. É, simultaneamente, uma peregrinação, uma festa da juventude, uma expressão da Igreja universal e um momento forte de união do mundo juvenil. Apresenta-se como um convite a uma geração determinada em construir um mundo mais justo e solidário.
A Industrial Promotion Services, IPS, Quénia, está a contratar o COO, responsável pelo sucesso das empresas operacionais na África Oriental (que inclui o Quénia, Uganda, Tanzânia, Burundi, República Democrática do Congo, Moçambique, Madagáscar e Ruanda) e fornece liderança para posicionar cada empresa na vanguarda da indústria num ambiente em mudança. A IPS dedica-se a promover o espírito empresarial do sector privado e a criar empresas economicamente sólidas.
O ITREB e o AKEB lançaram o Baby Steps a pensar nos mais 100 bebés e crianças dos 0 aos 3 anos e nos seus pais/familiares.
Prince Hussain and Princess Fareen arrived in Calgary earlier this week for the Canadian debut of The Living Sea – Fragile Beauty — an exhibition featuring photography by Prince Hussain, celebrating the beauty and vulnerability of the oceans.
In the vibrant city of Dubai last month, Central and South Asia's top 12 most promising tech-enabled startups took the stage at SlingShot's Demo Day to pitch for global recognition and investment. The top four startups were selected from each of the participating countries: Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. After two months of acceleration programming, they competed in Dubai for the chance to win seed funding and support from external investors.
As a community that holds service in high regard, many of us may often find ourselves asking: how do programmes and services improve the quality of life of those who they’re meant to help?
There is a certain magic within the spaces at Jubilee Towers in Dar es Salaam. That’s the feeling you get from the seniors who live there and those involved in running it. They love the place.
A renowned Life Insurance Company - Assistant Branch Manager and Business Development Manager