Are you interested in a variety of voluntary service opportunities but don’t know who to express your interest to? Curious to know how you can serve and get involved? The Southeast Council is excited to introduce the Service Hub, a website that offers direct access to a variety of voluntary service positions that you can browse based on your skills, passions, and ability to make an impact. With dynamic and impactful roles ranging from the Aga Khan Economic Planning Board to the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board or Council, Service Hub makes it easier than ever to find roles that fit your passion and interests.
Join the VRM team and serve as a Uniformed Volunteer. Uniformed Volunteers handle the Internal operations, Crisis management and Safety of the Jamat. Click here to register. Once you register, you will receive an email invite to attend a 30 minute virtual training (Held Monthly). A local lead from your JamatKhana will then contact you to arrange a walkthrough training. Email us at [email protected] for further questions.
The Ismaili Professionals Network (IPN) is a community where Ismaili professionals (IPs) may connect, learn and grow. IPN has established a growing knowledge society where IPs engage in professional dialogue and enrichment. Click here to join IPN.
The IHPA is an association of Ismaili health professionals established in 1993 under the ages of Aga Khan Health Board for USA. Based on the ethics of self-reliance and sharing, the association has been working to foster professional and personal enhancement of Ismaili health professionals and at the same time promote a tradition of service to others. Click here to join the IHPA team.