The President of the Republic stressed that the pandemic continues to have a negative impact in our society. Nevertheless, the number of infections and hospitalizations has decreased which is good news and it shows that the measures in place are having a positive effect.
Despite the progress made in the last month, still there are a number of aspects that are worrying the authorities, notably:
- The rate of positivity in the Provinces of Nampula and Niassa has increased;
- There still exists some level of non-compliance with the measures in place in some Provinces;
- There is uncertainty as to how the progression to the so-called new normal will be made and the impact thereof in the various areas of life;
- The limited availability of vaccines;
- The risk of new variants of the virus popping up from time to time;
- The need to reinforce the supervision; and
- The adjustment of the legal framework as to address the new transition to the new normal.
The above all considered, the President of the Republic opted to maintain all the measures approved in the previous decree, except for the following which are worth noting:
- It is authorized the reopening of museums, theatres, cinemas, cultural centers and equivalent, not exceeding 40% of the maximum capacity of the relevant venue;
- It is authorized the reopening of gyms of Class A and B, not exceeding 30% and 15% of the maximum capacity, respectively;
- The curfew remains from 22:00 to 04:00 and was extended to other cities and villages.
- It is authorized the resumption of cults, religious ceremonies, conferences, not exceeding 30% of the maximum capacity of each venue with an upper limit of 50 persons indoor venues and 100 persons outdoor venues.
Lastly, the President of the Republic stressed that the progress made regarding the pandemic should not be a reason for us to be complacent and we should continue to comply with the hygiene and physical distancing measures, use mask and abide by the guidelines issued by the health authorities.
Should you require any further clarification, please reach out to Legal Matters Portfolio.