The key question is:
શું કોરોના ના ડર અને ઘબરાહત માં પણ શાંત રહી શકાય છે ?
The answer is: YES
જવાબ છે : હા
Know your enemy: know the virus thoroughly: If you are fearful, prepare to fight the cause of your fear. Know everything about the virus. The virus is harmful but it has weakness too! Let’s attack those weaknesses. Follow the hygiene rules. What will be your action plan in case you are trapped with corona? Which doctor’s advice will you take? Where in the house will you undergo self isolation? Do you have enough supplies of groceries, medicines etc? How will you spend your time? Planning will give you reassurance.
જો તભેડયો છો , તો ડય નેદૂય કયલા દુશ્ભન (COVID-19) નેસાયી યીતેજાણી લ્મો. અનેતેનેહાયલાની તૈમાયી અને પરાાંનનાંગ કયી લ્મો .
Distract yourself: Watching too much news can be a cause of stress and despair. Update yourself two or three times a day through a sound source.
Distract yourself and catch up with family and friends over video calls/conference calls. Other ideas are cooking, drawing, dancing or reading with your kids.
Scanning through old photographs or even taking up an online course?
જો લાયાંલાય ન્મૂઝ જોલાથી ન ાંતા લધતી હોઈ તોહ ન્મૂઝ નદલસ ભાાં ૨ ૩ લખતાજ જોલો . તેનાથી ધ્માન હટાલીનેપે નભરી, ફચ ાાંઓ સાથેનલીન એકટીનલટીસ કયો
Make routine your friend: Maintain a meaningful routine. If you are not leaving your home this should not mean you should be in pajamas all day long. Feel fresh. Wake up at your regular time, exercise, eat healthy, pray and plan a routine for those hours when you are “not working.”
તભાયા નદલસ નેયાફેતા ભુજફ સ્ેન્ડ કયો. જો લધાયાનો સભમ હોમ તો તેનેનદલસ ના રૂનટન નો બાગ ફનાલી તેસભમ નો સાયો ઉમોગ કયો
Practice your religion: Turn to your religion for peace and strength. Our prayer habits should not stop. Make a special “prayer corner‟ in your house. Pray with your family. Pray for humanity. Some extra minutes of meditation and Tasbih will bring you relief. It is a promise. Try it out!
દુઆ તસ્ફી નો ટાઈભ ુકો નનહ. પે નભરી સાથેદુઆ ઢો. દુનનમા બાય ની ભુશ્કીરોની આસાની ભાટેદુઆ ભાાંગો. યાહત જરૂય ભળે
Find happiness in small things: The joy in your mom’s voice when you called to check on her today, made you feel happy, right? Then improve your mood by focusing on small things that bring happiness on a daily basis. Distinguish between what you can control and what you cannot. “I will practice proper hygiene and social distancing” that’s in my control rather than focusing on an outcome out of your control - “I will not and cannot get sick.” Ultimately, let’s be thankful and practice gratitude.
નાની નાની લાતો ભાાં ખુળી ગોતી લ્મો. જેફાફતો તભાયા કાંટર ોર ભાાં છેતેના ઉય કાભ કયો . જેતભેકાંટર ોર કયી ળકતા નથી તેની ન ાંતા ના કયો
Remember: Every cloud has a silver lining - this darkness too shall pass. Till then: Stay home.Save lives.