The objective of the Talent Show is to explore the talent existing in our Jamat as well as expose the Jamat to different forms of arts and culture. This year the show comprised of 51 participants, from ages 13 to 45, that performed for an audience of 260 Jamati members, including interfaith families. The main forms of art represented this year were the different dance styles and some music.
Region represented in the form of dance varied from Kashmir, to Northern Pakistan, India, North America and Europe. Teenagers, ladies and gentlemen came together for an entertainment evening.
The music, mainly with European influence were interpreted by the young members of our Jamat who played some classical pieces on the keyboard. A growing talent that had the opportunity to perform and demonstrate newly acquired skills, come of them through self-learning methods.
We also had the pleasure to listen to musical medleys of old and new Indian songs by a group of women and men of different ages of our Jamat.
Last October was an artful month where several members of Maputo and Matola Jamat engaged in a joyful and revealing event. The favourite and surprising performance of a group of men of a wide age range and different backgrounds caught the audience’s attention while doing the “Lazy Dance” – a dramatic performance, extremely engaging, full of music and expression with minimal body movement. Worth repeating!
The show also counted on an external group who performed other dance styles with the objective to increase the richness of the programme as well as to expose the Jamat to other forms of dancing.