Ismaili Centres Archive
Noorima Rehan is a 17-year-old aspiring Ismaili vocalist from Ghulkin, Gojal, Hunza. Located approximately 142km from Gilgit, Ghulkin is situated on the west of Hunza in the Karakorum, surrounded by glaciers and streams. Noorima's love for music runs deep within her being, and she finds herself singing in every moment of her life. Her vocal skills have propelled her to new heights. Most notably, she recently represented Pakistan during King Charles III's Coronation Concert in London.
المجلس الشيعي الإمامي الإسماعيلي لصاحب السمو الأمير آغا خان لسورية
يوم البيئة العالمي
بالتعاون بين وكالة الآغا خان للتنمية الحضرية والمجلس الاسماعيلي الوطني في سورية ومجلس المدينة ومكتب البيئة. قامت الفرق التطوعية ومتطوعو يوم الخدمة المجتمعية الاسماعيلية العالمي (السيفيك) والذي بلغ عددهم حوالي 300 مئة متطوع بتنفيذ مبادرة أقامتها وكالة الآغا خان للتنمية الحضرية بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للبيئة. تضمنت المبادرة جمع الأكياس والملوثات البلاستيكة وقد بلغ مقدار البلاستيك المجموع حوالي 450 ل 500كغ كما تمت سقاية الاشجار المزروعة مسبقا في خمس مناطق مختلفة من المدينة وذلك تعزيزاً لروح المشاركة المجتمعية وللتأكيد على أهمية الحفاظ على البيئة وزيادة الوعي كمسؤولية للجميع
In 2022, the Secure Act launched new key provisions that encourage businesses to offer retirement plans to their employees and to save retirement. Want to learn more about these provisions? Check out this article and register for the upcoming RSM programs to learn more.
Not sure how much to estimate for an easily accessible fund? The Emergency Fund 2023 underlines the possible uses and benefits of setting up dedicated savings for unplanned expenses. Check this article out to learn more about the rule of thumbs and other tips.
While compound interest may not seem like much change in the moment, overtime it can mean a difference in millions of dollars. This article discusses more about the concept of compound interest and how it can be critical in long term investments, savings, and retirement.
In a world grappling with the impacts of ecological crisis, a ray of hope shines through the tireless efforts of individuals dedicated to preserving our planet. Among them is Rozina Kanchwala, whose passionate advocacy is rapidly capturing attention.
Family is home; one where safety, security, peace, and love are found simultaneously. When it is dark, this home lights up through the presence of our parents, who are the source of our strength. Parents; the givers of love, without whom our lives seem incomplete, and whose presence we always pray for. Yet, some of these homes are left dark, with no light to shine.
This is a story of longing, love, and patience. This is the story of Umbrin Ali.
Under a radiant sun, distinguished guests gathered in the courtyard of the Grandes Ecuries of the prestigious Chantilly estate for a special celebration — a tribute to Mawlana Hazar Imam by the Institut de France and the Town of Chantilly.
Dans un ballet incessant sous un soleil radieux, hôtes et invités de marque se sont pressés dans la cour des Grandes Écuries du prestigieux domaine de Chantilly pour une célébration particulière – l’hommage spécial rendu à Mawlana Hazar Imam par l’Institut de France et la Mairie de Chantilly.
No passado dia 21 de maio teve lugar, no pavilhão do Isptec em Talatona, o torneio de futebol organizado pelo portfolio do Youths and Sports.
On May 21st, the football tournament organized by the Youths and Sports Portfolio took place at the Isptec pavilion in Talatona.
O Aga Khan Education Board tem o prazer de anunciar uma parceria com a St Andrews English School:
The Aga Khan Education Board is pleased to announce a partnership with St Andrews English School:
O Aga Khan Health Board for Angola tem o prazer de partilhar com o Jamat a lista de Protocolos estabelecidos com as seguintes clínicas:
The Aga Khan Health Board for Angola is pleased to share with the Jamat a list of Protocols established with the following clinics: