Ismaili Centres Archive
Central US Jamat Comes Together in Dallas for the Diamond Jubilee Celebration
Three senior members of the Jamat, all from California, express how the Diamond Jubilee year has inspired voluntary service, self-reflection or both.
Emotions were high as devotional dances and songs bound Ismailis together globally at the Midwest celebrations.
During the trek from Uganda to Nairobi for Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Takht Nashini, the truck carrying Izzat Nurani’s family overturned, killing two of her loved ones and injuring several others.
Adults and children explore the Reflections Lounge, beginning their journey with Jubilee Passport.
Excerpt from Mawlana Hazar Imam, addressing the leaders of the global Jamat at his residence, Aiglemont, France, July 11, 2017
The Jamat from the Northeast came together in Philadelphia’s Expo Center, to celebrate Hazar Imam’s Diamond Jubilee.
"With just a phone call, they reached us and took my family safely. 'Thank you,' is too small an expression for these great hands of help. I am really proud to be a part of this community. Thanks." Dr. Lakshmi Puppala, who was rescued from her home in Houston, by an Ismaili volunteer.
Hurricane Harvey has been referred to as a "1,000-year flood," with its 50 inches of rainfall exceeding all records for the continental USA. It is estimated that damage from the storm will surpass that of hurricanes Sandy (New Jersey 2012) and Katrina (Louisiana 2005) combined. Volunteers have worked to reach Jamati members and others affected by the flooding, and to provide assistance with the recovery process.
While the Homage Ceremony was designed to encourage reflection, Jamati members found creative ways to personalize the experience, beyond a single day. Natasha Ladhani spoke with some of them.
Encouraged by globalization and recognizing the needs of the developing world, healthcare professionals are taking opportunities to serve a larger population and make a significant impact.
Harvard Club of the UAE (HC UAE) and Harvard South Asia Institute (SAI) hosted the first annual Liberal Arts Education Workshop at the Ismaili Centre Dubai
Faruq Vishram is an electrical engineer with a vision to light up lives by helping to develop renewable energy projects in Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan. He undertook a TKN assignment beginning in March 2015 to support a project funded by Global Affairs Canada to introduce solar energy to the newly inaugurated Bamyan Provincial Hospital in Afghanistan.
A road trip inspired by the shortage of clean water for the residents in Flint, Michigan.
Nourishment for the Homage Ceremony commenced weeks before the day.