Ismaili Centres Archive
A lunch of fellowship, music, dance, and joy marked December 17th to celebrate the holiday season and the end of Elderly Care activities for the year 2022. Seniors actively participated by singing and dancing with the "Senior Dance Group" of UNISBEN (Benfica Senior University), through interaction choreographies.
Para celebrar o 26º aniversário da Cerimónia de Lançamento da Primeira Pedra, o Centro Ismaili Lisboa abriu as suas portas ao público para um fim-de-semana de visitas guiadas, uma exposição de arte criativa e momentos musicais. O Príncipe Aly Muhammad e o Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa estiveram presentes no evento.
No passado dia 24 de dezembro, o Ismaili CIVIC voltou a juntar-se à Associação Noor’Fátima, desta vez para proporcionar uma ceia de Natal a cerca de 100 pessoas. Um momento especial, em que foram partilhados sorrisos, abraços e uma palavra amiga a quem mais precisa.
Last December 24th, Ismaili CIVIC joined once again the Noor'Fátima Association, this time to provide a Christmas dinner to about 100 people. A special moment, in which smiles, hugs and a friendly word to those most in need were shared.
She built a factory to package nutritional bars for the malnourished a continent away
Second Media and Entertainment Alliance Event.
On 13 December 2022, Ismailis around the world celebrated Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 86th birthday — an occasion to reflect on the unique spiritual bond that links each murid to the Imam-of-the-Time.
The latest short video in our What Ismailis Believe series explains why Ismailis celebrate their Imam's birthday every year.
On December 3rd, in partnership with the Nação Verde Organization, a cleaning activity was carried out in the Areia Branca beach part of the urban district of Ingombotas with our partners, alluding to the International Volunteer Day.
Women’s activities hosted a fun filled afternoon, on Saturday November 26th, to kick off the festive season.
The Education Board, in synergy with the Women's activities Portfolio, carried out an ECD activity on the 26th of November in partnership with St. Andrews, with the aim of praising the role of parents, in particularly mothers, consolidating the idea that investing in development in the first years of life brings profound benefits to society. Science confirms the importance of early interventions to change a child's life course.
IIS scholar discusses new book on Prophet Muhammad
The Government of Tanzania has named a street “Aga Khan Street” in recognition of the services being rendered by the Aga Khan Development Network, the Aga Khan Hospital, and Aga Khan Health Services.
The early years of a child are crucial in developing an adaptable and agile mind. A child’s experiences in the preschool years have lasting effects on the foundation of the child’s behaviour, emotions and education in the future. Despite research on the critical importance of Early Childhood Development (ECD), there continues to be a lack of awareness. In particular, ECD implementation in Pakistan’s most remote and rural areas is imperative.
A App The Ismaili tem novidades e está agora integrada com a plataforma iiPortugal (Ismaili Institutions Portugal). Saiba aqui como fazer o download da aplicação e descubra todas as funcionalidades e novidades disponíveis.
The Ismaili App has new features and is now integrated with the iiPortugal platform (Ismaili Institutions Portugal). Learn here how to download the application and discover all the new features available.
Foram duas semanas de muita alegria para os nossos artistas! Depois de dois anos de vivência virtual, a elevArte - a nossa galeria virtual de arte - tomou forma física. Oito artistas, seis formatos de arte diferentes, e a Arte foi celebrada. Elevou-se a arte, elevaram-se os artistas e todos os que visitaram a exposição. Continue a ler para saber todos os detalhes.