Webcast: Milad-un-Nabi Lecture 2018

Join us for the annual Milad-un-Nabi Lecture, to be hosted at the Ismaili Centre London on Wednesday 21 November. Entitled The Arab Spring — Quest for Social Justice, this year’s lecture will be presented by Masooda Bano, Professor of Development Studies at the University of Oxford. The presentation will be followed by an on-stage conversation with Sarah Bowen Savant, Associate Professor at the Aga Khan University’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations. The event is due to begin at 8:30 PM GMT, and will be webcast at the.ismaili/live.

Professor Masooda Bano obtained a D.Phil from the University of Oxford. She currently holds the positions of William Golding Senior Research Fellow, Brasenose College (Oxford), and Principal Investigator, Changing Structures of Islamic Authority (CSIA). Professor Bano has also served as an advisor to the UK’s Department of International Development (DfID).

Dr Sarah Bowen Savant obtained a PhD from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. She currently holds the positions of component coordinator for the Muslim Heritages sequence of the MA in Muslim Cultures at AKU-ISMC, and Principal Investigator for the Arabic Digital Humanities Project. Dr Savant also serves as a Research Fellow at SOAS, University of London.