The number of people getting mouth cancer is increasing every year. This includes more young people who are now getting mouth cancer

Here are some key messages to help us prevent this disease:

1. The main risk factors of mouth cancer are tobacco (cigarettes, cigars or pipe) and/or drinking alcohol. If you smoke and drink, the risk is more than 30 times greater for getting the disease. Shisha pipe smoke has several toxic agents that can cause mouth cancer and other problems. There are no long-term studies to show that vaping is safe either.

2. Chewing betel nut or “sopari” as a habit is another risk factor for mouth cancer.

3. Too much exposure to sunlight can also lead to cancer of the lips, if sunscreen is not used regularly.

4. There are many studies showing a strong link between mouth cancer and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). HPV is also the main cause of cervical cancer.

How do we detect mouth cancer?

Any painless ulcer, swelling, white or red patch in your mouth that does not heal after three weeks may be a sign of mouth cancer. It can be in any part of your mouth including the tongue and lips. Persistent hoarseness may also be an early sign of throat cancer.

If you are worried, please visit your Dentist to have your mouth examined. Remember that early detection is vital.

If you cannot get access to a dentist and would like some advice, you can contact the Oral Health Foundation Dental Helpline on 01788 539780 or visit the website