If you have an illness or disability it can make life difficult and affect your income, especially if you have to give up work or cut down your hours. Having a little extra money could help you to pay for things that you need. There are various benefits which are available depending on your age and circumstances.  

This document provides an overview on the benefits which are available.

• Personal Independent Payment (PIP) – Can be claimed by anyone over 16  and under state pension age
• Attendance Allowance – Can be claimed by anyone who has reached State Pension age and has care needs.
• Disability Living Allowance – Can be claimed if you are under 16 and have care needs


Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help you with some of the extra costs if you have long term ill-health or a disability. You can spend PIP on whatever you need it for. The amount you get is worked out each month, so it may be different from one month to the next if your monthly earnings are variable, or if your circumstances change. Personal Independence Payment has replaced Disability living Allowance for anyone over the age of 16.
To claim for PIP you must be under State Pension age and over 16 and need help with daily living activities or getting around, or both.
If you are awarded PIP before you reach State Pension age, you will continue to receive it after this age. You can still make a claim if you are working.  PIP is not based on your National Insurance contributions and is not means-tested, which means neither your income or savings are relevant. 

How much you could be entitled to receive

The amount you will receive will depend on how difficult it is for you to do certain things, such as preparing food and drink, dressing and undressing, or moving around.
PIP has two parts - a daily living component and a mobility component. You may be able to claim one or both components.
• Daily living component Weekly rate Standard is £59.70 Enhanced rate is £89.15
• Mobility component Weekly rate Standard is £23.60 Enhanced rate is £62.25

How to Claim PIP

Step one: To start your claim, call the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) on 0800 917 2222 (text phone 0800 917 7777). They will ask for basic information and then send you a claim form in the post.
Step two: Fill in the claim form. If you need any help with this, you can contact your local Age UK or contact a member of the Social Welfare Benefits Team.
Step three: Your claim will be assessed by a healthcare professional and you might have a face-to-face assessment.
Note: During the current Covid-19 Pandemic, all the Department of Work and
Pensions have temporarily suspended all reviews and reassessments.  They will contact you directly should they require further information or clarification.
Step four: You will get a score based on how much help you need and this will affect how much PIP you will receive.
Step five: You will be informed of the decision on your claim. If your claim is turned down you can challenge it.  You can talk to your local Age UK for advice.

Further Information

You can get further information and help using the resources below
• Via the Gov.uk site https://www.gov.uk/pip
• Contact Age UK Advice Line on 0800 678 1602. They are open between 8am to 7pm, every day of the year
Contact the AKSWB member responsible for Welfare Benefits: Naseem Hirani on 07917 004099


If you have reached State Pension age and have care needs, you may be entitled to claim Attendance Allowance. To apply the following conditions need to be met:
• you have a physical disability (including sensory disability, for example blindness), a mental disability (including learning difficulties), or both
• your disability is severe enough for you to need help caring for yourself or you require someone to supervise you, for your own or someone else’s safety
• you have needed that help for at least 6 months (unless you are terminally ill)

How Much Could you get
Attendance Allowance is paid weekly at two different rates – the amount you receive will depend on the level of help you need.
• The lower rate is £59.70 – this amount is paid if you need frequent or constant supervision during the day, or night
• The higher rate is £89.15 – this amount is paid if you require help or supervision throughout the day and night or are terminally ill.
The following rules apply if you are terminally ill and are dependent on your life expectancy:
• There is no qualifying period for how long you have had your illness
• If you are eligible, you will automatically get the higher rate of Attendance Allowance

If you qualify for Attendance Allowance, you may also be entitled to extra Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction. Check with the helpline or office dealing with your benefit.

How to Claim

Step one: Download the Attendance Allowance Claim Form from the Gov.uk website.  The form comes with guidance notes telling you how to complete each section. If you do not have access to a computer, you can contact the Attendance Allowance helpline on 0800 731 0122 and they will send you a hard copy.
Step two: Fill in the claim form and return the completed form to “Freepost DWP Attendance Allowance. If you need any help with this, you can contact your local Age UK or a member of the Social Welfare Benefits Team.
Step three: Your claim will be assessed by a healthcare professional and you might have a face-to-face assessment.
Note: During the current Covid-19 Pandemic all the Department of Work and pensions have temporarily suspended all reviews and reassessments.  They will contact you directly should they require further information or clarification.
Step four: You will get a score based on how much help you need and this will affect how much Attendance Allowance you will receive.
Step five: You will be informed of the decision on your claim. If your claim is turned down, there is a process to challenge it.  You can talk to your local Age UK for advice.

If you are terminally ill, there are ‘special rules’ which will enable you to receive Attendance Allowance more quickly; if you are not expected to live more than 6 months. You must:
• Complete an Attendance Allowance form
• Ask a doctor or other healthcare professional for the form DS1500 – they will either fill it in and give the form to you or send it directly to DWP
You can do this on behalf of someone else without their permission. The letter about the money awarded will not mention ‘special rules’.

Further Information

You can get further information and help using the resources below:
• Via  the Gov.uk site https://www.gov.uk/attendance-allowance
• Attendance Allowance helpline 0800 7310122 Mon to Fri between 9.30am and 3.30pm
• Contact Age UK Advice Line on 0800 6781602. Open between 8am to 7pm, every day of the year.
Contact the AKSWB member responsible for Welfare Benefits: Naseem Hirani on 07917 004099.


Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is available if you are looking after a child who:
• is under 16 and
• has care needs or mobility needs (difficulty getting around) and require much more looking after than a child of the same age who does not have a disability

In order to qualify they will need to meet all the eligibility requirements as detailed on the gov.uk web site https://www.gov.uk/disability-living-allowance-children/eligibility

How much could you be entitled to

The DLA for children is a tax free benefit which is made up of two components; a Care Component and a Mobility Component. Your child may be entitled to one or both. The amount you could receive is between £23.60 and £151.40 a week depending on their need. DLA is usually paid every 4 weeks.

The tables below provides information on the amount you could receive depending on how much Care or Mobility component you have been awarded

Care Component Weekly Rate
Lowest  £23.60
Middle £59.70
Highest £89.15


Mobility Component Weekly Rate
Lower £23.60
Highest £62.25

If you are entitled to both, then the value of the Care component and Mobility component will be added together. For example if you are awarded the highest Care Component (£89.15) and highest Mobility component (£62.35) you will receive a total of £151.40 a week.

When your child turns age 16, they will receive a letter inviting them to apply for Personal Independence Payment

How Claim

To claim DLA for a child, you need to be their parent or look after them as if you are their parent. This includes step-parents, guardians, grandparents, foster-parents or older brothers or sisters.

Step one: Download the Disability Living Allowance form from the Gov.uk website.  The form come with guidance notes telling you how to complete each section. If you do not have access to a computer you can contact the Attendance Allowance helpline on 0800 121 4600  for a hard copy of the form to be posted to you.
Step two: Fill in the claim form and return the completed form to “Freepost DWP Disability Living Allowance”. If you need any help with this, you can contact the DLA help line or  a member of the Social Welfare Benefits Team. 
Step three: Your claim will be assessed by a healthcare professional and you might have a face-to-face assessement.
Note: During the current Covid-19 Pandemic all the Department of Work and pensions have temporarily suspended all reviews and reassessments.  They will contact you directly should they require further information or clarification.
Step four: You will get a score based on how much help your child needs and this will determine how much DLA you will receive.
Step five: You will be informed of the decision on your claim. If your claim is turned down you may be able to challenge it. 
There are special rules if a child is not expected to live more than 6 months which gets processed more quickly. In this instance you should contact the Disability Living Allowance helpline to start your claim.
Ask a doctor or other healthcare professional for the form DS1500. They will either fill it in and give the form to you or send it directly to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Further Information

You can get further information and help using the resources below
• Via  the Gov.uk site https://www.gov.uk/disability-living-allowance-children
• Disability Living Allowance helpline 0800 1214600  Mon to Fri between 9.00am and 5.00pm
Contact the AKSWB member responsible for Welfare Benefits: Naseem Hirani on 07917 004099