CIAL is a Language Center, founded in 1959 and which has over 50 years of experience, being one of the first language schools in Portugal. It is divided into two departments: Portuguese as a Foreign Language and Foreign Languages.
Portuguese as a Foreign Language aims to teach Portuguese to non-native speakers and Foreign Languages offer courses in English, French, Spanish and German.
As an objective, CIAL seeks to offer innovative communication solutions whose quality is guaranteed by national and international entities and promote the knowledge and personal and professional valorization of their students, through a wide range of excellent services and the commitment of a team of trainers and highly qualified employees.
All CIAL courses are aligned with the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and are recognized and accredited at national and international level.
Members of the Jamat can enjoy the following special conditions:
- Registration: Exemption from the payment of Annual Registration;
- Class lessons: 10% discount
- Private lessons (individual or in a private group): 5% discount.
To take advantage of the discount, simply indicate at registration that you are a member of the Ismaili Community.
To register or for more information about the established protocol, contact Alexandra Borges de Sousa or Isabel Coimbra (foreign language classes) by emails, respectively [email protected] and [email protected] . Learn more about the CIAL Language Center at: