Do you want to learn a new language but do not know where to start? Learn more about The Learning Academy’s recommendations and partnerships, that will help you take the first step in this journey.

We often get it into our heads that we would like to learn to speak a new language. And we keep this idea in our heads for days, weeks or months. Sometimes, however, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is difficult to have the time to do the necessary research and figure out which is the best tool, school, or resource for that, and to actually get started.

Thus, in order to help Jamat to follow the path of continuous learning (Life Long Learning), The Learning Academy has established several partnerships with prestigious institutions and schools that, with privileged conditions, can help you acquire this knowledge.

Cambridge School: The Cambridge School was founded in 1966 and, at the time, was one of the few schools in Portugal dedicated to teaching English, French, German and Portuguese as a Foreign Language, languages which are now taught by a large and highly qualified teaching staff. All Cambridge School teachers teach their mother tongue.

The School also stands out for offering teaching based on a strong communicative interaction between teachers and students, for the methods and materials used and also for the more than 1400 students prepared annually for internationally recognized examinations, including those aligned with the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

To learn more about the partnership visit:


CIAL – Language Center: CIAL is a Language Center, founded in 1959, which has more than 50 years of experience, being one of the first language schools in Portugal. It is divided into two departments: Portuguese as a Foreign Language and Foreign Languages. Portuguese as a Foreign Language aims to teach Portuguese to non-native speakers and Foreign Languages offers courses in English, French, Spanish and German.

They aim to offer innovative communication solutions, whose quality is guaranteed by national and international entities, and promote the knowledge and personal and professional enhancement of their students through a wide range of excellent services and the commitment of a team of highly qualified trainers and collaborators.

To learn more about the partnership visit:


Besides the partnerships established, TLA also recommends the following rescources:

Tools you need to learn Portuguese:

Platform FluentU:

Learn French:

Coursera – Mandarim course for beginners: