Content Tagged with Portugal
One of ITREB's objectives is to promote the religious education of the children and youth of our Jamat, through the Dar-at-Ta'lim school.
Update of the Exceptional and Temporary Measures of the Situation of Public Calamity
Founded by the Aga Khan in 1960, the Nation Media Group (NMG) has its origins in Kenya’s Taifa and Nation newspapers, which were set up to provide independent voices during the years just preceding the country’s independence.
The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) call on governments to ensure that the procurement and supply of controlled medicines in countries meet the needs of patients, both those who have COVID-19 and those who require internationally controlled medicines for other medical conditions.
Update of the Exceptional and Temporary Measures of the Situation of Public Calamity
Angola, Africa’s second-biggest oil producer, wants to increase its loan with the International Monetary Fund to $4.5 billion to overcome a crisis triggered by lower crude prices and the coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak.
Parenting is not easy. With multiple aspects to look at simultaneously, it almost becomes impossible to respond to children at the moment.
Fique a conhecer o testemunho da Asha Gulamhussen, Professora da Primária 1.
Gostaria de ser professor de Dar-at-Ta'lim e participar na educação religiosa dos nossos jovens? Inscreva-se aqui.
Garanta já o seu lugar com preço especial no Festival Internacional de Cinema Independente para miúdos e graúdos, até 28 de agosto!
Já sabes? Encontram-se abertas as candidaturas para as bolsas de estudo referentes ao ano letivo 2020/2021, até dia 25 de agosto de 2020.
Já ouviu falar sobre este programa, incluído no Plano Nacional de Leitura? A Fundação Aga Khan e a Direção-Geral de Saúde são alguns dos parceiros, e é patrocinado pela Porto Editora e pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Article by Susana Alves, cutural mediator.
If you are a senior looking for new entertainment, consider dancing!
Se é um sénior à procura de uma nova diversão, considere dançar!