Family Activity - Illusion Art
The First Lady- In a Heartbeat
Dariush Talai is an Iranian tar and setar player, musicologist, composer, and educator who has become internationally recognised for his many contributions to the world of Persian art musi
TED TALK: TB or Not TB Dr Salmaan
1 million de vies activées : Ensemble
Highlights of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2016, UAE
Fairouz Nishanova, Director, Aga Khan Music Programme, a special highlight compilation film has been put together for the Jamat’s listening pleasure.
Show Me How: Baking Cookies with Alisha Damani
Bollywood Fitness - Adults and Teens
How are planets Born Dr Farzana Meru (Canada)
Reflections with Dr Shafique Virani
Dr Natalie Batalha, former Astrophysicist at NASA, gives an engaging, illustrated, non-technical lecture on "Goldilocks" planets - those planets that are ideal for hosting life as we know it. This lecture is part of the Ismaili Centre series entitled, "Frontiers of Science and Innovation." Tune in to hear astrophysicist and planet hunter, Dr. Batalha, offer an overview of Kepler's remarkable scientific legacy and highlight some of the key discoveries and follow-up missions in progress and on the drawing boards.