Speech of the week - May 25th

Learning to value difference in the interest of justice, exploring horizons beyond our own, developing resilience and appreciating mutuality between cultures, religions and backgrounds: Mawlana Hazar Imam reinforced these concepts on the occasion of Aga Khan Academy (AKA) Maputo ceremony in 2004.

Portuguese | Gujrati

«Among history’s great truths is that a society is only able to advance to newer horizons, of greater promise, when it overcomes insularity, and recognises strength in difference. Despite, therefore, the tensions and conflicts, which riddle our planet, the effective world of the future is one of pluralism, a world that comprehends, accepts and builds on diversity. The Academy in Maputo, like its counterparts elsewhere, will seek to demonstrate the instrumental role that education can and must play in building strong civil societies across the developing world. […]

The education that the Academies will offer will make the case for a pluralist worldview. It is one which values differences of outlook, ethnicity, and religion and culture, yes in the interest of justice and fairness, but also because a temperament receptive to pluralism helps creativity, curiosity and inquiry, to thrive in sharing the best of human knowledge and talent from whatever individual, or group, it originates».

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