Check out this week's online activities for seniores, organized by Elderly Care. 


  • My Golden Time Seixal activity

In addition to sharing emotions, after this period of confinement, the My Golden Time activity, which took place on May 13th, had as main theme “Food and nutrition education of the senior population”. Food and nutrition education encourages changes in eating habits and lifestyle, providing seniors with autonomy in choosing their food, which reflects on the improvement of their health.

  • Computer Class

In the current context, seniors are challenged with lifelong education. In this way, Elderly Care provided the first computer class, in Seixal, on May 12th.

  • Choir (in synergy with External Relations, Arts & Culture - ERAC)

Senior choir classes take place every Tuesday.

This practice can result in several advantages: strengthens memory, by making the brain remember the sequences and lyrics; works on breathing, which tones the lungs; improves concentration; strengthens self-esteem and creates emotional bonds.

  • My Golden Events Lisboa activity

On May 15th, another session was held as part of the My Golden Events activity. "Discovering the new me" was the theme proposed by speaker Nisha Keshwani, from India. To have quality of life in old age, it is necessary to face aging as a period in which new discoveries and experiences, new motivations and even dreams can occur.

  • Lisboa Active Memory

This week’s session of the Active Memory program, with Zubeda Ruhani, took place on May 18th, essentially with exercises for concentration and memory and the theme “The routine of seniors”. The word “routine” suggests a sequence of procedures. The habits that are part of each one of us must be respected, but privileging actions of cognitive stimulation. Reading, music and the arts in general can be included in the seniors routine, according to their interests.

  • English classes - Lisbon and Seixal

Basic English and intermediate English classes continue takink place every Wednesday, in Lisbon. In Seixal, intermediate English classes are held on Saturdays.

Seniors (+60) who want to participate in the mentioned programs can contact the following Elderly Care members:

Shelina Amade: (Lisbon) 968 385 002

Salima Sadrudin: (Seixal) 933 080 185

Farida Nurali: (Oeiras) 960 400 250