There are 6 pillars of a healthy lifestyle
Nutrition A style of eating that emphasizes whole, natural foods (with lots of plants!) and limited or avoided artificial / added fat, sugar, and salt. Also referred to as “clean eating” (although, there is no “dirty” eating), our informal motto could be “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” – Michael Pollan
Movement Regular and consistent physical activity that can be maintained throughout life. This is a key component in health and is essential to maintaining autonomy as we age.
Stress Management Identifying effective, healthy coping mechanisms for stressors and negative events is vital in managing stress. Stress is going to happen but our reactions to it can change.
Relationships Being connected to people is a key part of emotional resiliency. Our homes, community, and work environments all influence our health and happiness.
Avoiding Risk Using any potentially addictive substances can increase risk for cancer and heart disease. A good relationship with substances reflects no tobacco use / no vaping, and a healthy relationship with alcohol (moderate intake or abstaining).
Quality Sleep Poor sleep greatly strains your immune system. It can also influence your mood, hunger/fullness cues and overall energy. Correcting it is a critical component of a healthy lifestyle.
Source: Adapted from